Extra: A Future With You part 5

Start from the beginning

Ruby:(chuckles nervously) sorry...

Weiss: when I asked him why; he just replied with "it's for her".

Yang: so he's doing it for little Chloe, how sweet. Speaking of which, how's she doing?

Weiss: she's doing well; she's upstairs sleeping.

Blake: Now we're on this topic; where are you sending your kids to school?

Yang: I don't know I was planning on seeing what you girls had in mind.

Blake: I want Brian to be around people he already knows. He's a lot like Sun so at least he'll have people there to somewhat keep him in check.

Weiss: Don't worry we'll make sure that they'll be around each other; Chloe is already showing that she's kinda shy, so just like you I want her to feel comfortable wherever she's at.

Yang: (laughs) you hear that sis? If you want to join our little club you're going to have to hurry up!


Yang laughs hysterically

Weiss:(giggles) yang, stop teasing her.

Ruby: yeah! Besides I'm only 21 going onto 22!

Yang: Well Blake was 22 when she had Brian and Weiss barely turned 22 when she got pregnant with Chloe.

Ruby: just don't worry about it!! What about you, huh?! How're the twins!?

Yang: oh they are doing just fine, right now they're with Charlie.

Weiss: They're with Charlie? Are you sure he's going to be okay taking care of both of them?

Yang: oh yeah; he got that cover.

Back with y/n and Charlie.

Charlie: y/n are you sure this is a good idea?

Y/n: well; My dad said he once saw my mother did this to me before.

Charlie:(raise an eyebrow) Are you sure that he wasn't on something?

Y/n:(realize) I... don't know... but (throws duct tape and super glue behind him) I think I did it!

They both looked up and saw the twins in a baby carrier that was tape and glue onto a fan that was going very slowly, somehow this made the twins stop crying as they started to giggle.

Charlie:(concern) have you done this before?

Y/n:(scratch his head) nope! Weiss never allowed me too.

Charlie: And you sure that it's going to hold up?

Y/n: of course, super glue and duct tape never fail! That's why they have been around for millions of years!

Charlie:(sighs) You're right.

Allow himself to fall onto the couch

Charlie: I can finally take a—-

They both started to hear whimpering.

Charlie:(eyes widen) nooooo...

Y/n:(grabs the tape off the floor) should I tape their mouths?

The twins begin to cry once more.

Y/n: I was planning on having a screaming match against them but the lungs they have jeez.

Charlie:(sits up and sigh) can you get them down from there?

Y/n: you sure? Maybe if I crank the speed up on the fan maybe-

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