Shock streams through me as I look up at Jasper. Fear is written on his face, the fear of loosing me. I look back down at the phone in awe. Jake is my friend and I held his hand today. But it was in a friendly way.

"I don't want to loose you Bella," Jasper whispers. "Ever. You are the my everything and I ca-"

"Jasper you aren't going to lose me," I cut over him. "Not to Jacob, not to anyone. You are my life and I am in love with you."

"I love you so much," he says before touching my lips with his. I turn so my legs are resting on either side of him and I push him into the couch. I break away, before I lose control.

"Sorry," I whisper lightly.

"Don't be," I softly kiss his lips quickly before standing. As soon as I get up the bedroom door flings open and in walk a flustered Jacob.

"Jake!" I gasp, shocked. "Don't do that!"

"Sorry but this is super important," he smiles brightly at us. "You, Jasper and I are going to Forks for three weeks." I smile and pull Jasper off the couch.

"Really?" I ask smiling. "How come?"

"I am going to go see my dad. And Aro doesn't want me to go alone, and I figured you'd want to see Charlie and maybe the Cullen's so I volunteered you both. Aro said that's fine and we leave in half an hour." Jake rushes out the room causing me to rush around and pack my bags full of clothes before packing Jasper's bags.


Finally we are on our way. I am driving and Isabella am riding shotgun, leaving Jake in the back. Jake is staring out the window and Izzy am doing the same. Bella is bubbly excited about seeing her dad, whereas Jacob is nervous about seeing his.

For the first time in one hundred years, I think about my family. I know before j was turned I lived with my parents and my little sister, Amelia. But what happened to them I don't know. Did Amelia ever have children? Did she have grandchildren? I wish I knew what happened to them.


Rosalie and Emmett are upstairs doing their homework from school. Even though my children are straight A students they still have to do their homework. Alice and Caleb, sit on the floor playing a game of scrabble while Esme cleans. I hold in a sigh. Since Edward and Tanya's death, everyone has been gloomy. The house is usually filled with a depressive silence and Esme cleans nonstop. Edward was the 'oldest' of her children, and I know they were incredibly close. Esme lost her child as a human, and now lost her son and a Vampire.

Not to mention Jasper and Bella, who were her children as well. Bella, even though she wasn't properly in the family, was considered as a daughter and sister by all of us, even Rose. And if Jasper was here, he could make everyone happy. I understand their emotional pain, because we haven't lost just one of our children, we lost three. Bella, Edward, Jasper. Alice had a vision of a blond haired lady coming to us. Apparently she is searching for Jasper, because she believes he is her brother. But Jasper never mentioned having a sister. Well actually, Jasper never even mentioned having a family as a human. I rack my brains trying to recall her name in the conversation. Ah yes that was her name.

Amelia Roseanne Whitlock.

New character!
Amelia will be introduced, hopefully, in the next chapter.
Sorry for the wait but been suffering from writers block.
This chapter is really short but it'll get better.

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