21: Chats

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Vent at end of chapter! Sorry..


When everyone got home, Jake and I decided to have a talk about everything that has happened. I still feel light headed from the events of last night and I cannot look at Jasper without wanting to throw myself at him. Jacob is taking Vampire life perfectly. We don't know if he has any special powers yet, but if he does we'll find out in due time. Being Jasper's wife is better than great, it is perfect. Nothing could you ruin my life right now, and nothing will.

"So is it as bad as you thought? Being a Vampire I mean?" I ask Jake, playfully elbowing him in the ribs.

"Much, much worse," he jokes. "Its alright I guess. The super speed and strength is fun. But the blood drinking is blegh."

"You get used to it Jake," I laugh as he pretends to vomit. "Have you told Sam or your dad yet?" I know that the Pack will not take Jacob changing into a 'Pale Skin' lightly, but what's done is done.

"Not yet," Jake frowns. "I don't know when I will. I guess I probably should but I also think it'll be a lot easier for us all to fake my death. But I want to still be apart of my dads and sisters life, like you are. But I know that they will be ashamed of me, and I don't expect them to be all happy joy joy about it." I take Jacobs hand and squeeze it lightly.

"Jake, I don't think your dad will be too unhappy about it. I mean, yeah he is going to be shitty for a little while but you are his only son and the youngest, so he isn't going to do anything to dramatic because at the end of the day you are still his son," I assure him.

"Do you ever wish you could tell your dad?" Jake asks. I frown. I haven't spoken to my father since I told him I was moving to Italy with Jasper. It feels like it was years ago, even though it was only a few months.

"On some days I do, because it'd be nice to see my father and to be able to visit him as he ages. But I also don't, because it would endanger his life and I want my father to have a normal life," Jacob and I look out the window of his room in silence. I look at my phone screen and frown. 5:34pm. I release Jakes hand and stand up from his couch, where we had been sitting comfortably for the past 5 hours. "I am going to go find Jasper. See you later." I walk out of Jakes room, closing the door quietly behind me. I walk slowly towards our bedroom, not rushing. I enter the room and Jasper is looking through the window, his back to me. I quietly walk to him and kiss his hair.

"Hey," he whispers.

"Hey." I fling myself over the back of the couch, landing by side Jasper. He wraps his arm around me pulling me onto his lap and buries his face in my hair. I can feel his lower lip trembling and his chest heaving as he dry sobs. "What's wrong?" I pull his head back so I can look him, and he looks like a mess.

"Alice," he mutters. I frown and stroke his cheek softly.

"What happened to her?" I ask fearfully, for my ex bestfriend. Jasper doesn't say anything but he pulls out his phone and places it in my hands. Looking away from jasper I unlock the phone and go to his and Alice's messages.

Alice: Hello Jasper, how's life with the Red Coats? I had a vision today about you and Bella. Jacob and Bella are mates and I saw them holding hands. I thought you and Bella were together? Be careful because I think that you may loose her soon to him. Alice.

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