19: Reborn

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I sit on the floor beside Jake, waiting for him to wake up. It's so funny how fast things happened with me and Japer. I mean Jasper proposed and the next day we were getting married. But I don't mind, because jasper is my everything. And today Jake should wake up. I listen as his heart begins to slow down. "JASPER, ARO!" I scream. Seconds later the run into the room. "Its almost done." I stand and lean against Jasper, who has his arms wrapped around me and his chin on my shoulder. Aro stands closest to Jacob, as he is the creator. We all listen as Jakes heart slows down before an eerie silence fills the room. No one is breathing, no one is moving. We wait for Jacob to move but he never does. Tears fill my eyes as Jasper tighten his grip. No! Please open your eyes! I keep my eyes on Jacobs closed eyelids and Aro sighs. But I hear a soft groan before Jacobs eyes open.

I gasp as he turns to look at me and Jasper. Instead of the blood red eyes newborns usually have, his eyes are a strange yellow-orange. His eyes dart to Aro as he sits up. Jacob runs his hand through his short brown hair before standing. "How do I look?" He smirks, watching me. "Come on Bells, tell me I am hot." I laugh. Jake hasn't changed.

"Sorry Jake, but my eyes are fixed on one man," I say kissing Jasper's jaw. Jasper smirks and kisses my hair.

"Damn Bells," Jake mutters.

"So Jacob, is there any questions?" Aro asks.

"Yes,'' Jacob says quickly looking at me. "Why is my throat sore?"

"You should feel a burning due t-" Aro starts.

"It isn't a burn, just uncomfortable," Jake says rubbing the back of his neck.

"That's strange. Your throat should be burning due to thirst," Aro murmurs.

"Aro maybe it's because of the werewolf blood," Jasper speaks up. I look up at Jasper and he smiles back down at me. His eyes are red, but they contrast with his blonde hair. Jaspers eyes hold mine and he touches my forehead with his lips, a small touch of affection, but it makes me dizzy with love. I smile and close my eyes. But the moment is cut too short by Jasper throwing himself in front of me in a protective stance. My shield automatically raises and I look to see Jacob in the same stance.

"Don't touch her like that," Jacob growls.

"She is mine Black," Jasper growls. "Mine!" I place my hadn't on Jasper's shoulder while glancing at Aro who is looking as shocked as I am.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" I ask.

"Isabella this is one of the most awkward and unexpected occurrence to any Vampire," Aro frowns. "It seems that both Jasper and Jacob are your mates."

Sorry for the short chapter but CLIFFHANGER!!!!!
Bella once again has to chose between boys.
Who will she choose?
Sexy, Texan Jasper?
Hot, Pretty Face Jacob?
All will be revealed in next chapter!
Stay beautiful,

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