2: Bella Sitting

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I hoped out of my truck and headed inside my house, Edward was running some errands for Esme so I was finally alone. I unlocked the house and decided to make some pasta for dinner. My father is a horrible cook so I decided, when I first moved here, I would do the cooking. Dad works late most night, seeming though he is Chief Swan. I was stirring the pasta when there was a knock on the door. Who ever it is isn't Edward, because he normally doesn't knock. I opened the door to the smirking face of Jasper Whitlock.

"Oh hello Jasper," I say. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Hello Bella. I am sorry for not telling you about my visit, but I am here about Edward," he says, his natural southern accent leaking in his words. I frown, annoyance runs through me. Of course; Jasper visits about Edward!

"Is he okay?" I ask, trying to keep my voice normal.

"Edward is fine. But he, Carlisle, Esme and Emmett have decided to start the weekend early. They are going hunting at Goat Rocks, so they will not be here tomorrow. By saying that Ally has requested that I come and 'kidnap you'. So here I am," he smiles.

"Okay. Come inside," I say moving out of the door way. Jasper has never been inside my house before. "I just have to finish cooking for my dad."

"That's okay Bella," Jasper smiles. "You have a nice home." I chuckle quietly.

"It isn't anything compared to your house," I laugh. The Cullen's home is very nice but very white. The roof, ceilings and carpet are all white. It is like a fucking asylum. That's the only flaw. I want a house with a bit of color, you know?

"My house may be nice, but your house has the homey feeling," Jasper says following me to the kitchen.

"Well our house isn't full of people who don't sleep or eat," I say.

"Very true," Jasper says quietly. "Do you need any help cooking?" Jasper is so polite.

"Could you please stir the noodles?" I ask.

"Of course," he says. His hand brushes mine and a electricity rushes through my hand.  I blush embarrassed about the contact between us.


I was nominated to go 'kidnap Bella'. As she is stay with us for the weekend. I have always felt close to Bella even though she hardly knows me. But of course I know all about her, seeming though she is all Edward speaks about. Alice and I aren't true mates, but she tells me we are. Because she doesn't want to be alone. That's so selfish. Edward assures everyone that he and Bella are mates but that's so a fucking lie! If they were mates, he wouldn't have left her. He wouldn't have tried to attack her that night...

But here I am sitting outside Isabella Swans house in my monster. My Harley Davidson Truck. I climb out of the truck and go to Bella's front door. Her fathers cruiser wasn't here so I presume he is still at work. I knock on the door and hear footsteps. When Bella see's me curiosity flowing out off her.

"Oh hello Jasper," Bella smiles. "I didn't expect to see you here." Of course you didn't Bella!

" Hello Bella. I am sorry for not telling you about my visit, but I am here about Edward," I say, letting some of my Southern Accent leak into my words. Alice hates my accent so I use it when she isn't here. Annoyance floods of Bella which makes me curious. Did something happen between Edward and Bella? I swear if he hurt her, I will fucking rip off his head.

The Wrong Brother ~ Jasper and Bella FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang