25: Her Final Battle

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My breathing stops as I see and feel the fear going through Izzy. I will not let her hurt you Isabella. Bella nods slightly, and I squeeze her hand tightly. Jacob growls as he moves infront of my sister, his mate. 

"No one is getting hurt, except for you," Jacob growls.

"How sweet. A hybrid protecting both of his kinds," Maria sneers.

"What do you mean a Hybrid?" Jake asks. Confusion travels through us all.

"Well you are a Vampire and Werewolf hybrid. You have both werewolf and vampire inside you," Maria says. Mine and Jacob's eyes meet and I know we are both thinking similar thought. He might be able to phase. 

"Maria please leave," I whisper. "I don't want anyone to get hurt."

"I am sorry Jasper, but I am not leaving this town without you. Even if I have to murder every single human you and your coven loves," I feel Bella shudder as she thinks of her father. Follow my lead.

What are you going to do? Bella asks.

Just trust me. I lean down and softly press a sweet kiss on Bella's before kissing my sisters cheek. "I'm sorry," I whisper to my family before walking across the battlefield. Don't come after me. 

Jasper what are you doing? Bella's nervous thoughts flood my mind, almost making me turn around and run back t her, but I keep my head up high and walk forward. I walk towards Maria and softly smile at her.

"I am sorry  I left you Maria," I whisper softly kissing her hand. I love you Isabella! 

"What are you doing?" Maria asks softly, her eyes clouded with an undying lust.

"I am here to join you," Bella gasps from behind me. Say something.

"Jasper do not do this," Bella says, as Jacob rubs her back soothingly.

"Isabella, do you really think I would love you, after everything that happened to my brother, all the pain you caused my family. I have never truly loved you," I spit. I am lying. I am sorry. I love you. 

Bella's eyes widen and they fill with tears, but only I know about our little act. "Jasper you don't mean that.," she whispers.

"Oh I do Isabella. I cannot risk my life for someone like you. I cannot live my life with someone like you. You are no one," I say. Jacob and Emmett growl as they soothe Bella. I hold in my frown, my emotions making me want to run across the soon to be battlefield straight into Bella's arms. 

"Jasper, please," she whispers. 

"I can't. I am going to live a long and happy life," I say taking Maria's hand. "With my true mate." 

"Well, Jasper, although your words really touched me," Maria whispers in my ear, trying to be seductive. "I still need her to die." I almost gasp as i look down at Maria.

"Why though? Let you and I run away, leave them be," I whisper softly kissing her forehead.

"I want to be sure there is no way of her getting to us," Maria says pouting. "Ruining our forever."

"My dear, they will not come after us. I can assure you of that," I say.

"Jayy," she draws out my name before kissing me softly on the lips. I feel like vomiting all the blood I just consumed but instead I softly kiss her back.


My stomach wrentches as I watch Maria kiss Jasper, and even though I know he is acting my heart breaks. Jasper smiles softly into the kiss before pulling away. Watching the love of your life kiss another girl feels horrible. Maria smiles sweetly at Jasper, who quickly kisses her again. "What a dick," Jacob whispers in my ear.

"Shh," I murmur, What are you going to do?

I don't know yet, Jasper thinks back. But we need a plan.

I agree. Keep acting for now. I clench my knuckles at my side as I raise my shield, making it invisible. Jasper smiles. 

"So I have to kill them all?" he asks.

"Yes," Maria whispers. "Tell me when and I will command the army to attack."

'I am sorry,' he mouths to us. Esme gasps. "Now."


The army rushes forward and so do we. I run towards Jasper who is trying to etch away from Maria. I hear him tell her that he wants to be the one to kill me, so she finally moves away. When we're three metres away veer to the right. I nod in understandment. As we get closer I move to my right and Jasper flips over on his back, as if I flipped him. He growls and slightly nods his head towards Maria who is wrestling with Emmett, her back to us. I nod and we sprint towards her. Emmett moves away as I leap and grab her body throwing her to the ground.

She screams as I land on top of her. Jasper moves silently so he is gripping her arms. With a soft pop her arm comes off and is thrown away. Maria lets out a high pitched scream as she kicks me off her, pushing Jasper away. I jump to my feet, and we begin circling eachother. "You think you're so smart," Maria sneers. "But you aren't. By the end of the night your family will be dead." I growl and leap at her but she anticipated my attack. She grabs me and twists me into a headlock, squeezing my neck. "STOP!" she screams. The battle around us pauses, like a movie, and an eerie silence fills the forest. A few of our family members gasp as they form a line. One person I do not see is Amelia, which makes tears burn in my eyes. I am so sorry, I cry to Jasper. I love you. I wait for the end, I wait for her to kill me but it never happens. I close my eyes and steady my breathing, but a heavy weight falls on me after a soft pop. I open my eyes to Amelia holding Maria's head and the rest of the family tearing her and her armies limbs off. Jasper and Carlisle begin to light a fire.

Amelia helps me up after throwing Maria's head to Alice and I wrap my arms around her dry sobbing. "You saved me," i continue to whisper.

"Oh Izzy," she says softly patting my hair. "I wasn't going to let you die." I nod and she releases me. My eyes meet Jaspers and I sprint across the battlefield and press my lips to his hard. 

"I love you," I say between kisses.

"As I love you."

Author Note:

Guys. We have one more chapter left which will be the epilogue! We are almost done! Xo

The Wrong Brother ~ Jasper and Bella FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon