17: Pain

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How could Jake say that? How could he call me a slut? Jacob was my Bestfriend and this is how he treats me. That one word, has so much pain behind it. I remember when. Edward called me it. I sigh. Edward. My first lover. Who died because he couldn't be with me. I regret loosing him, but I don't regret gaining Jasper. I walk into our bedroom, my heart still heavy and my breath uneven. Jasper sits on the bed eyes shut but when I close the door he is holding me in his arms.

"Izzy what's wrong?" He asks stroking my cheek.

"Jake... He... What he said..." I stutter, unable to make the sentence.

"Isabella calm down," Jasper murmurs kissing my nose. I take in a deep breath.

"He called me a slut." Jaspers grip tightens around my waist and his eyes darken with anger.

"Who the hell does that mutt think he is?" Jasper growls holding me tightly to his chest.

"Jasper, I haven't told you everything yet," I whisper into his chest.

"What do you mean Izzy?"

"The scars on my wrist. I never told you why."

"Well now is a good time."


Edward and I sit on his couch in his room, cuddling. The rest of the Cullen's went out to hunt so we were alone. Edward softly kisses my temple, and I lean into his kiss. He chuckles softly and pulls away, frowning I turn and look into his gold eyes.

"What?" I ask.

"You're so innocent Bella," Edward murmurs. "It is very attractive." I sense no sarcasm in his voice so my face blushes deep red.

"Thank-you," I whisper. "But you should stop using your charm against me."

"My charm?" Edward whispers kissing my earlobe softly. This sends a shiver down my spine and gives me goosebumps.

"Yes. It is very unfair," I chuckle capturing his lips onto mine. Edward pushes me onto the couch softly so he is hovering over me, using his elbows to keep his weight off me. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me. Edwards tongue brushes my lip and I grant him access. This is it! We are going to make love!!! Excitement blooms in me and I flip Edward around so I am straddling him. I lean back down pressing our lips together and begin to undo his buttons. Edwards hand clamps my wrist and he pushes me off him, making me fall onto the floor. I look up shocked and Edward has regret in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Bella," he whispers. "I didn't mean to push you so hard."

"Edward why won't you make love to me?" I demand. "That's all I need. You."

"Bella it isn't that easy. I would loose control and hurt you. Or worse," Edward mutters.

"How come everything that I would enjoy, you don't want? Like me hanging out with Jake?" I demand. 

"Don't even mention that mutt," Edward snaps. "He is too dangerous."

"What and you aren't? Edward Jacob is like family! I can't stop hanging out with him," I shout standing up.

"So your going to chose him before you chose me?" Edward roars. "If that's the case your nothing but a slut!"

•••End of Flashback•••

"That night I went home and slit my wrists," I cry. Jasper holds onto me as I dry sob on his shoulder.

"Shh Bella. Its okay," he whispers. "Jacob isn't important anymore. You and me!" At that moment my phone begins to ring and jasper picks it up. I get a glance of the caller ID: Jake

"What do you want?" Jasper snaps onto the phone.

"I need to talk to Bella," Jacob says.

"Well she doesn't need to talk to you," Jasper's face is flushed with anger.

"I have to apologize! I cannot lose my Bestfriend," Jacob begs.

"You had your chance Jacob and you ruined it." Jasper clicks the phone off, ending the call. He embraces me again and I breath his sweet scent.

"I love you Jasper," I murmur into Jaspers chest.

"I love you too Isabella," Jasper says before I press my lips to him.


When the sun is shining I get up and decide to have a shower. There will always be some human experiences I will miss like showering for example. It isn't the same when the heat doesn't bother you. When I finish in my shower and I get changed I head down to the Throne Room to find out if there is any crimes. Aro is looking confused at his feet and Cauis is glaring at the floor. I immediately tense and walk to the middle of the room.

"Aro, is something wrong?" I ask. Aro nods slowly, speechless.

"We had a visit an hour ago from a peculiar person," Aro says. "He said he knows you."

"Who was it?"

"Jacob Black?" Aro tells me but it comes out like a questions.

"Jake? What did he want?" I ask. This isn't good.

"Mr Black came to tell you sorry but he also asked for something," Aro says.

"What did he ask?" Dread fills me as Aro looks up.

"Jacob Black asked us to change him." Tears fill my eyes and my hands begin to shake.

"Wha... What did you say?" I ask.

"I told him that we will get back to him. But am I correct when I say he is a Werewolf?" Aro asks his eyes soft.

"Jake is but he isn't a Child of the Moon," I tell them. "I've seen him in his wolf form during the day."

"I see," Aro says.

"Can a werewolf turn into a Vampire?"

"We aren't sure but Jacob seems to want to risk his life to be with you Izzy," Aro looks at his brothers who are both deep in thought.

"This is crazy!"

"Isabella if Jacob survives the transformation and joins the Volturi, he may become a great and powerful member to us. Like Jasper and yourself he will be able to help us even more," Aro says. I nod my bead, contemplating this for a moment.

"Then I have no problem in his transformation."

This is it! Jacob is becoming a member of the undead!

Two updates in two days! Wow!!!
Shock twist!!
Jacob is becoming a Leach!!
What did you think of Bella's confession?

Thank-you @Elle_SH for commenting and being so enthusiastic!!

Stay beautiful!

The Wrong Brother ~ Jasper and Bella FanfictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat