Daddy Issues

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Hawks will admit that maybe he went a bit overboard, but with a lover like Dabi, can you really blame him? His poor -but now officially married- husband was waddling around, heavy with twins, with little Tatsuya trailing after him, babbling about his coloring book.

Hawks was surely impressed; Dabi, for someone who hasn't left the house really, who's 8 months pregnant with double trouble, and has a 16 month old baby following him everywhere he went, was doing damn good.

Of course, the blond had to intervene here and there, demanding that the raven sit down and let him do some of the stuff, since Dabi was awful at taking care of himself. But, that's why Hawks was here. He had taken quite a bit of time off work, though thankfully paid with a little extra, to help Dabi and make sure he didn't overextend himself.

This pregnancy - surprisingly was easier than their first with Tatsuya. Dabi was still sick, yes, but not nearly as bad and he seemed to be feeling better with the good amount of sleep he'd been getting.

Luckily, Tatsuya was good at entertaining himself, understanding that his mama was exhausted and had a lot to handle. He never demanded anything from his mother, just swooped in for cuddles and kisses at every opportunity, which was incredibly often due to the ravens natural instinct of being a loving parent.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a loud crash, a pained groan and saw Tatsuya bolt through the kitchen into the living room.

"Daddy!" He cried frantically, pointing to the kitchen, "Quick! MAMA!!"

Hawks had never moved so fast in his life. When he finally reached the patched one, he was curled on the floor, trembling and whimpering. Hawks whipped around to see what it could be and his hand landed in something squishy. Something wet.

Fuck. Dabi was in labor.


"Perfect timing, holy hell." Hawks sighed, exasperated, as he fell back into the recliner in the hospital room.
"Daddy.." Tatsuya whispered both excitedly and quietly, pointing to the twin girls with beautiful, white, fluffy angel like dove wings, "Babies! Baby sisters."

"Yeah, you have baby sisters now." The blond smiled fondly as the blond and red tufts of hair laid next to each other, sleeping soundly in the bassinet beside their mothers bed. Tatsuya looked up at his sleeping mother, smiling sweetly and oh so lovingly. It made Hawks heart melt again and again.

"Daddy?" Tatsuya finally asked.

"Yeah buddy?" His father replied.


Hawks laughed so hard it woke Dabi up enough to swing at him.


6 months.

The girls were six months old now, and learning to use both their wings and their attitude.

The red headed one, believe it or not, was the most calm, with golden eyes and a soft giggle. Her twin, on the other hand, with the wild blond hair and bright blue eyes, always had something to hash out and had to have the last word (...or, we'll sound, in an infants case) and it was driving her mother crazy.

But still, the raven was prevailing, much to Hawks relief AND surprise. Though they did have a few set backs here and there, but Hawks LOVED having his time with them.

"Goddammit, stay outta that!" He heard Dabi command sternly in the other room, followed by a screech and a "Ow! Don't pull mommy's hair!"

Hawks couldn't help but chuckle. Dabi now had two girls on his hip and a wonderful little toddler behind him as he came from the bedroom to the living room. He sighed, frustrated, and handed the girls to Hawks.

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