Finally got my happy ending

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Well, the past 18 months hadn't been easy. At all. But they were definitely worth every second. Not to mention the ravens hips, ass and chest had filled out quite nice and plumply.

Hawks watched with adoration as Dabi non chalantly walked around their apartment, picking up and tidying things with their 8 month old son on his hip as he cling to his mothers shirt. The pregnancy had been tough on the raven. He was sick the entire time, always sad and was even given a prescription card for Medical Marijuana. It was the only way he could keep any weight and keep himself in a decent mindset at all. The whole time the worn out fire user just looked like he had a bowling ball in his belly and Hawks would be lying if he said the C-section didn't scare the shit outta him when Dabi was put under for it.

But now their son was here. Their little Tatsuya.

That perfect boy had his mothers beautiful eyes, the vivid blue, but had his fathers golden blond hair that stuck out everywhere like his mothers did. His wings were an exact replica of his fathers and the child was so affectionate. He was so happy and loving, already so advanced for his age, talking, laughing and always learning. He could walk but preferred being carried by Dabi, of course, being the mamas boy he was.

Dabi had really emotionally smoothed out after giving birth and was probably the most attentive, loving and supportive parent the hero had ever seen. Regardless of anything happening around them, the blue eyed mama always seemed to be able to put anything on hold for his baby. He was constantly playing with him, reading to him, cuddling him, feeding him or just plain carrying him around. When the baby fussed, even if there seemed to be no reason, his mama was there in a flash to hold and comfort him. His patience for their boy was endless. It made the blonds heart soar.

It also made his dick hard but he promised himself he'd give Dabi at least a year before getting him pregnant again.

"Hey, mama?" The winged hero quipped.
"Hm?" Hummed the patched one, who was bending down to pick up a toy Tatsuya wanted off the floor.
"Can we go on a date tonight? The three of us?"

Dabi straightened and seemed to mull over it for a bit while the baby cooed and giggled over the toy in his hands.
"I don't know." The villain finally responded. "He's so little that I don't really want to take him out too much."
"We could get a baby sitter." Hawks suggested hopefully. Then I could fuck your brains out and put five or six more in you. Was his sinister afterthought.
"I...don't think I'm ready to be away from him yet." The raven mumbled insecurely.

There was nothing hotter than a good mother and holy shit Hawks was really having a tough time keeping to his own word of giving Dabi a year.

"Come on, let's go out. We'll go somewhere without a lot of people. Please?" The blond begged, staring lovingly up at his son and future husband while loving his life. "I really wanna show you two off." Plus you're so fucking sexy I'm scared I can't hold myself back. He mentally added.

Dabi scowled at him but huffed, that lovely pink dusting his face again.
"Fine. But not a long one. I want Tatsuya in bed by 9 and he needs a bath before so we better be back by 8:15, no later. Got it?"
Hawks was jumping for joy internally but just nodded his head rapidly with that big stupid smile on his face that Dabi secretly loved.

As he turned to bring their son into their room to change and dress him, Hawks couldn't help but drool over that delicious ass. He was gonna be devouring that tonight for sure.


"Oh he's so charming!" The elderly lady ogled, fawning over a giggling Tatsuya.
"Thank you, he's definitely a sweetheart." Dabi chuckled, smiling warmly at the baby, who just crooned and reached for his mother.
"Aww, he loves his mommy." She gushed, turning to Hawks. "And I'm sure you're a proud daddy." The hero was beaming, his answer completely obvious.

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