Change of mind or pace?

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Hawks had been feeling a debilitating crippling guilt now for a few days straight. He'd allowed Dabi to lock himself in their room more often these past few weeks but had been checking on him more rigorously, which usually ended up with the hero coming out either bleeding or bruised each time, but content knowing his love and his baby were alright.

He'd finally had enough of it, though, after a month and a half.
"Babe, come on. Let's talk." Hawks begged when Dabi threw a punch at his face, quickly grabbing the fist and kissing the two toned cheek softly. The raven wretched away, or tried to, screeching and thrashing as the hero pulled him into a hug.
"Don't fight me, please." He murmured gently into his ear, rubbing Dabi's back affectionately, trying to comfort him.
"I'm going to. I don't want this." Hissed the villain, hurt and anger radiating the room like his heat, his fists held together by his wrists in Hawks grip.
"Stop it." Hawks demanded, his tone solid and stern. "Please, to me. Without hurting me." With that last part, his voice dipped to almost a whisper.
"What about me?" Dabi's eyelashes were wet now. "I hurt all day, everyday, and all you do is pile more and more on. What did I do to you? What did I do to deserve this? You prove time and time again you don't love me, you want to use me." His shoulders shook slightly with his weak crying, his head dropping forward, his body trembling. The hero was silent for a moment, listening to Dabi and his wracked sobs that he so desperately was trying to hold in.
After long moments, Hawks finally spoke.
"You really want to get rid of it?"
Dabi nodded, hiccuping and sniffling. More silence, and the patched man grew uneasy. As he mustered the courage to look up, the hero said, "Fine. Let me call Recovery girl. We'll see if we can terminate it."
Dabi hugged him as tight as he could, bawling his 'thank you's into the blonds chest, not seeing the tears of complete sadness dripping solemnly down the blonds own cheeks.


"I have to admit, I'm nervous about this." Recovery girl mumbled timidly. "Are you sure you want it gone? You can't undo this process."
"I want this parasite out of me." Dabi growled. Hawks cringed and shut his eyes tightly at the hate in his lovers words. Recovery Girl was quiet for a minute before saying, "Alright, we'll see what we can do, but first I need to do an ultrasound and see if that's a safe possibility."
"Safety doesn't matter. I don't care if I die." The raven said sourly. Recovery Girl sighed, and Hawks pinched the bridge of his nose to stop the flow that threatened his eyes and throat. Getting to work, Dabi was laid down and the screen was booted up, the gel rubbed on his slightly rounder belly, and the equipment was set.
"Ah, you're almost 20 weeks along it seems. Do you want to know the gender?" She asked, watching Dabi and Hawks separate reactions closely. The villain just stared at the screen, saying nothing, his eyes focused on the shifting little bundle.
"I...I do." Hawks spoke up, though not loudly at all.
She was hesitant for a second, her gaze darting between the two before telling them, "it's a boy."
And Hawks began to sob, his face in his hands. He couldn't help himself, he felt so weak for doing it, but it was his baby boy and Dabi was going to get rid of him. It hurt so bad but the thought of losing Dabi emotionally forever hurt him too. The lesser of two evils was what he had to go with.
"How long do I have to decide if I want it or not?" Dabi's question took Hawks for a loop, and he dried his eyes to glance at his partner.
"Not long, today is really the only time. After this, I wouldn't be able to terminate it safely. Even now, it's a risk." Recovery girl answered. Dabi was silent, he said nothing for what seemed like hours and Hawks could swear his heartbeat was reverberating off the room.
"He can hear you now, he can feel you. He responds to you, Dabi. He's aware." Recovery girl added softly.
The silence continued, as if the raven wasn't even there anymore. Like his conscious had gone to a different plane. Hawks raised a shaky hand, intending to tap his lovers hand to bring him back, but Dabi's stoic voice interrupted his gesture.
"Then I guess I'll have to keep the little bastard then, won't I?"

Caged Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora