59. Be Smart. | scene 61

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Written august 17th, 2020

Posted sept. 3rd, 2020

I subtly slipped through Blake's unlocked back door.

The first thing that hit me was the cleanness of the place. The brown floor was shining under the morning light, and the windows open to let fresh air in.

When I found myself daydreaming, I shook my head. It was because I hadn't slept well the night before. But I didn't have time to waste.

I checked the first floor for his room. There was an immaculate kitchen, a reading room- why did he have a reading room I never saw him reading- and a studio. I climbed the grey steps to the second floor.

There were three doors at the top. I picked the first. What I saw when I opened it blew my mind away. The fact that the room was dark didn't bother me as much as the photos. The photos that featured the same redhaired person who left my life a while ago every time; portraits, drawings, and pics.

Cherry LeBlanc.

I wandered to his desk with the photos featuring the woman who gave me birth. There were about a dozen, with a younger mom and a younger Blake. I touched some of those frames, I spotted one of my mom's pair of sunglasses she had the day she left with Blake at the park.

Was the man him, when he took off his wig, and makeup?

I collapsed to the ground, hiding my face. Tears stained my shirt, and my joggers. How messed up more could my life get? All that time, she had been here.

I don't know how much I cried. But the only reason I stopped is because I heard Blake's voice downstairs. I stood up. Quick! I need his legal name!

I started going through papers and papers on his desk, on his beside table, in his drawers for a government paper as his voice was getting closer. Then I heard footsteps in the stairs. Without thinking I hid behind his closet door.

As the door opened, and I held my breath, I noticed an opened envelope at the top.... With a name...

I yelped when a hand touched my shoulder. I came face to face with his secretary. I could only see her hazel eyes. She took my hand and pulled me away.

­"what the heck."

She put a finger on her mouth and pointed downstairs. "shh."

On the way to the stairs, I noticed the door to the left was open. I recognized Cherry's aesthetic. Her room... what a traitor! She was married to another guy and was mad dad got married too. She left him for years alone!

On the first floor, I heard Blake in the kitchen. She was leading me to the front door, but his voice got louder. She stuffed me inside the closet, behind the big winter coats.

"where's the salad dressing?" he said, in the lobby.

I heard a woman probably in the studio that said "In the cabinet. You know where."

When I heard the voice, I gasped loudly. Cherry. Blake heard me because he came to the door, and opened it. I held my breath and hid my face behind the coats. The coats were long they were hiding my legs too. But what if he reached out for something and touched me.

He must have stayed there for ten seconds. But to me it felt like ten minutes. My heart was beating in my ears.

He said "interesting" before closing it again. The secretary came ten minutes later, and opened the front door for me.

"be smart. And stay safe." She whispered.

I ran down the steps, and pulled my hood over my head.

Who was she ? and why did she help me?

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