41. Everyone leaves(Edited)

Start from the beginning

"Rose, do you trust him?" Without any thoughts I answered, "Of course I do." I could feel her smiling, "Then stand for him. Collect proofs for him, prove Layla guilty." Proof against Layla! That's impossible.

"Grandma, that woman is a witch."

She sneered, "So? Dave is your husband." Roared like a typical mother in law, "He's acting different every hour grandma."

"He's going through a rough phase bachaa. How will you react when your family turns against you?" It tugged Layla's evil memories.

 She's right!

"I'll stand for him grandma." She said she was proud of me and we continued for few minutes more before grandpa called her. Dave will be normal, sweet once he has his family back, this is pushing me away from medicines now and with a smile on I drove to office.


"Ma'am?" While I was busy sipping my second tea that funny name knocked...what was his name? cookie?

"Yes, cookie?" He turned around to find if any one was present behind him before again facing me pointing to himself, "Yes, cookie." I waved my hand to him, "Ma'am, it's Chip, Chip Baker."

'Embarrassed self again?' This pug I tell you.

 "Yeah, chip." This guy's name is a embarrassment in itself, "Ma'am, I was saying that..." He paused scratching his temple with a quizzed smile, "I know that previous designs were stolen and I can find out who did it..." He blunted in one go.

My lips parting going miles apart, "You mean?"
"I can hack the CCTV footage." Boy are you nuts?

"Chip, nothing was found in CCTV and it's in past. I respect your words and  I'm flattered that you can hack-"


Immediately a plan ran inside my mind, "You can hack any CCTV footage?" Confusingly he nodded his head.
I repeated my question, "Any?" He repeated to it again with the same nod, "So, if I take you to a place any random you can do it?"

His puzzled eyes boosted with energy as he took few steps ahead, "Yes, I would just need access to the room to track the machines."

"How can you do all these?" He scanned through the room before whispering, "My cousin taught me that, when he was here in canada."

"Okay! Let's go then also no one should know about it, NO ONE MEANS NO ONE!" My command frizzled some sweat drops through his face.

"But how will we go there in-in the room?" His question brought me fear of being caught. And busied me to ponder upon idea to get there.

We came up with ideas but all of them seemed to be failing in the end. How can anyone give access to the security room. And I don't know why I came up with this question, "Chip, why is your name chip?" 

His eyes widening into large potatoes, "My parents worked in a same bakery they had a passion for baking and they...they fell in love and-"  I've never seen a guy going so nervous,

"...They loved chocolate chip so my name is...yeah, chip." My teeth were furiously biting my lower lip to muffle a giggle.  How can someone's parents name them chip? God my Mom would have named me puri, chola, lassi, makhan, etc then.

Mom! Grandparents have left already, I can ask for Mom's next letter now, "Ma'am?" I heard him calling out for me to which I said, "Chip, meet me at eight. I'll pick you up." Rushing out of office I called at hospital to postpone my appointments. I'm taking my work too lightly these days.

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