47 - Redundant

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Oh, for fucks sake. I should be there any minute now.

Trying my best to convince myself that I would reach my destination within the next minute, I forced myself to speed up my pace even more, turning my casual jog into a sprint. Allowing myself a quick glance at my watch to check the time, I squeezed a sigh between my erratic breathing at the realization that I would probably be a bit late.

Knowing that I was already at my limit, I let my eyes wander around, taking in the U.A.'s campus I was currently running across on my way to the USJ.

Why does this shit have to be so damn exhausting? I'm not getting paid enough for this.

Hold on...

What am I even getting paid? I should probably take a closer look at the contract Nezu handed me back then.

After my first two lessons this morning, one in the General Education Department and the other one in class 1B, I had slumped myself down on the couch in the teacher's lounge, which had been unoccupied.

Most of the other teachers seem to be busy 24/7. I really can't complain about my workload, considering that I only had to cover the first-year classes.

I'd used the peace and quiet in the lounge to finally call Tsukauchi, something I wanted to do since my encounter with Tadashi. I still need to crosscheck the information my friend had let slip. I needed to know what exactly the police had told our friends.

Unfortunately, Tsukauchi couldn't give me information right away. He told me that he couldn't remember handing out any information to our friends at all. Yet, he emphasized that he'd been busy with the investigation and that the possibility of someone in their department knowing more about it couldn't be completely ruled out.

The only problem was that when I'd called him, he'd been busy at a crime scene. Tsukauchi had promised me to look into the matter that was currently straining my mind when he returned to the police station, ensuring me that he'd let me know if he found out anything new.

The detective's voice had been drenched with guilt. Not even the fact that it was only a phone call could have concealed it. I can understand why he felt like that – after all, there had not been a single fucking time in the history of our encounters, in which he'd had good news for me.

I totally understand that. And although, I've already snapped at him a few times, I don't blame him for that. His job isn't easy after all. It's not like it's fun for him to keep up with all the shit connected to my case. Tsukauchi is innocent. He's not at fault for anything. The detective just has the unfortunate job to always function as a bearer of bad news for me.

Just when I'd ended my phone call with Tsukauchi, my beloved furry Principal had suddenly entered the teacher's lounge, bringing an end to the tranquillity in the room.

Don't get me wrong – I will always owe him something for getting me out of that hospital, out of my misery, but sometimes this little rodent is really shattering my nerves.

Obviously, he hadn't been very amused at the fact that I was the only teacher in the lounge. Letting out an exaggerated sigh, he'd approached me and wanted to know when my next lesson was. His mood had made a one-eighty when I'd told him that my next lesson was only due after the lunchbreak.

That's how I got myself into this shit situation. That's why I'm currently running my ass off instead of sipping a coffee on the couch in the lounge.

I should have just said that I am busy.

Apparently, class 1A was due for rescue training in the USJ with Thirteen today. Nezu's raised security standards require three teachers or supervisors for class activities outside of the school building and the regular gym. Originally, All Might should have been the third adult with eagle eyes accompanying Aizawa and Thirteen, but he had a reason not to show up.

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