42 - First Day of School

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"Alright, if anyone asks why we're late, just say that we got involved in a villain attack on our way to school."

"Are you actually stupid? I'm living on the fucking campus, basically five minutes away from the school. Why the fuck would anyone think that this is a legit excuse for being late on my first day at work?! This is bullshit", Himari hissed as she fastened her pace to keep in step with Nemuri as they approached the door to the teacher's lounge while pulling off an awkward speed-walk.

The two women sneaked into the room, both silently hoping that most of their colleagues were busy with the entrance ceremony, which would allow them to catch a breath before they'd start with their first lessons.

But their hopes and dreams were immediately crushed by a familiar loud voice that welcomed their presence in the room, causing them to freeze in their places on the way to their respective desks as if they'd just been caught red-handed.

"Where on earth have you guys been?! You missed the entrance ceremony!", Hizashi questioned with his eyebrows raised in curiosity. Only then, he noticed the dishevelled appearance of his friends whose eyebags almost looked like they were ingrained in their skulls, "Oh god, what happened to you? You two look absolutely ho-... tired. You look tired."

The Voice Hero hadn't seen Himari since she'd rejected him two weeks ago. After he had recovered from the worst hangover of his life the day after the gala, he had decided to play it cool. There was no need to make things more awkward than they already were, and it was definitely not in his interest to make Himari feel uncomfortable in his presence.

On top of that, he was aware that dwelling on this rejection and his unrequited feelings wouldn't exactly make him feel better. Now that he knew that she didn't reciprocate his feelings, it was time to let go and move on.

However, this awareness wasn't enough to prevent the pang he felt in his chest as his emerald eyes, as usually hidden behind orange-tinted glasses, fell upon the exhausted looking brunette

Himari's eyes widened in panic as she realized that they'd been caught in the act and before her brain could process the situation, her mouth opened on its own and decided that now was the time to go rogue, pressing out quick like a shot, "We were on our way to school, when we got caught up in a villain attack. Nemuri helped to get the situation under control while I was waiting for her."

Hizashi's brows furrowed in confusion as he took in Himari's poor excuse which made absolutely no sense at all, causing him to voice his doubts, "But you live on th-"

"I am coming through the door like a normal person!"

The loud entrance of the newest member of the teaching staff caused the three of them to shift their attention to All Might, who was proudly standing in the room, sending them his trademark smile.

Nemuri let out a sigh of relief and used the distraction to sneak away to her desk to prepare her stuff for the upcoming lesson, whereas Himari remained glued to her position, a huff leaving her lips as she brought her hand up to rub her temples in an attempt to soothe her aching head. Considering that her head felt like it was about to explode, All Might's enthusiasm was the last thing on earth she needed right now.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your conversation. I just wanted to give something a try", the blond muscleman said with a chuckle, growing slightly nervous as he was met with silence.

Awfully aware of the awkwardness of the situation, Hizashi let out a fake laugh in response to All Might, "No worries, All Might. You didn't interrupt anything. How's your day been so far?"

Himari followed Nemuri's example and used Hizashi's attempt to dissolve the discomfiture that was almost tangible for everyone in the room to head to her desk, where she started to gather everything she'd prepared for her first lesson, thankful that they'd somehow managed to arrive in time.

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