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Y/n's POV

We were now sitting at the cafe downstairs. Kunikida, Tanizaki, Naomi, Dazai, Atsushi, and I. Tanizaki was apologizing to Atsushi for tricking him and that it was all part of the test. I was sitting next to Dazai at the booth just listening into the conversation.

Feeling slightly tired I yawn and look over to Dazai and Kunikida. Dazai was flirting with the waitress like always, asking her to end his life with her 'beautiful hands'. I was about to elbow him when Kunikida walked over and smacked him upside the head. I blinked a few times before he started strangling Dazai again.

"So I was wondering, what were you all doing before the Agency?" Atsushi asks out of no where. Kunikida stops shaking Dazai as they both look to him, I follow suit. Dazai and Kunikida then sit down.

"Take a guess." Dazai says casually. "It's a game. We played it a lot here actually. Where the newcomer guesses their colleagues previous occupations. Think of it to be training as a private investigator." Dazai finishes.

Atsushi hums in response as he understands it. He turns to Naomi and Tanizaki. "I wanna say that Tanizaki-San and Naomi-San were both...students?" He says.

"Wow you got it. Nice one." Tanizaki says.

"How did you figure that one out?" Naomi asks curiously.

"I was told you were working at the agency part time, and you're wearing a uniform so there's still a good chance you're in school. Tanizaki-San is close to me in age so well, just a hunch." Atsushi explains.

"Honesty is a virtue" Dazai concludes and then glances over to Kunikida. "What about Kunikida-Kun?"

"Who cares about what I used to be?!" Kunikida lashes out and I smile a bit. Atsushi thinks about it for a few seconds and starts to guess.

"Public worker? An official?!" He lights up. He's close but not quite.

"Close. He was a teacher." Dazai reveals. "A math teacher." Atsushi looks a little thoughtful for a bit and then admits he can totally see it being that way. I turn away and snicker a bit then look back towards everyone.

"It's all in the past! I don't even want to think about it." Kunikida states.

"What about me and N/n-Chan then?" Dazai asks Atsushi. I glance at him then turn to Atsushi a bit curious as to his thoughts as well.

"You and Y/n-San?" Atsushi asks. Dazai replies with a 'yes, us' and Atsushi stares at both of us looking like he was thinking pretty hard. He kept silent until Kunikida spoke up.

"Don't bother, brat." He adjusts his glasses then looks at Atsushi. "Their former profession is one of the seven mysteries of the Armed Detective Agency." I subtly smirk and internally snicker about it. I mean it's no surprise, no one would dare guess that we used to be apart of the underground organization known as the Port Mafia.

"The first person to get it right receives a reward, right?" Tanizaki asks. Atsushi perks up at the mention of this and turns to Dazai and I.

"A reward?" I could've sworn I saw money symbols appear in his eyes, he looked so determined.

"That's right." Dazai confirms. "No one's been able to guess right, so the reward's just ballooned." I nod in agreement and Atsushi gets up on his hands and knees and looks towards us both.

"B-by the way, how much has this reward ballooned to, exactly?" He asks and I sigh.

"700,000 yen in total." I answer before Dazai has the chance to. I smirk as Atsushi gains a look of determination and walks straight over to us both and starts asking if he guessing right, then he can claim it and if it actually exists. Dazai states how a suicide proponent is true to his word and I shake my head in exasperation.

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