🌙The Beginning🌙

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Y/n's POV

It was a wonderful night and I was sitting in a bar with my brother, Odasaku, and his friend Dazai. I'm underage so I wasn't drinking but I was allowed to just chill with them due to Odasaku's well acquaintance with the bartender. I was sipping my (F/D) [Favorite Drink] while the two of them spoke about things I wasn't interested in. While I'm minding my business a new voice calls out.

"You shouldn't let him talk like that Odasaku." It was another one of Saku's friends, Ango. "He might not go off the rails if you called him out every now and then." He continues. Saku turns towards him while Dazai leans over to see him. 

"Ango!" Dazai calls out happily.

"Although a hammer to the back of the head might work better than words" Ango continues and I snicker a bit. Ango orders what he wants and sits on the other side of Dazai. I'm, of course, beside my brother. Saku turns to me when he notices my giggling state then turns back towards the others. He's always so calm on the outside so there wasn't much change in his expression.

They start talking about how it's been a while and how work has been. They then mention how Saku, and I never really share or complain about what we do. 

"Well let's see, today I punished a kid for stealing from a store on a shopping district that pays us protection money, I resolved a fight between the lover and the wife of one of our shell company's executives and lastly I disposed of a bomb found behind one of our offices." Saku finishes and the other two look intrigued...well.... kind of. 

"Ohhh! Hey what about you N/n-Chan?" Dazai looks past Saku to me. I look over to him unsure of what to do.

"I uh...I normally don't share my stories around Onii-Chan. He doesn't like killing so I refrain from speaking about it." I speak quietly. Saku turns to me shocked unknown to this fact.

"You can share N/n-Chan, I don't mind." Saku smiles reassuringly. I sigh thinking it's not a good idea and speak. 

"Well today I took out a group of people threatening the organization, I well...I tortured one of them for information and I killed a mafia member that was a traitor for them." I look down shamefully. I never truly wanted to kill people, I did it for Saku's sake. If I didn't, there's no doubt the mafia would have forced him to kill considering his ability. Luckily enough no one knows my ability other than Saku, the boss and a few executives. I'd like to keep it that way if possible.

Saku stared at me with pity while Ango and Dazai were surprised of what I could do. "You did all that just today?!" Dazai questions and I nod.

"You really are nothing like your brother Y/n-San." Ango looks towards his drink. Honestly, it pained me to hear that. I know I was a bad person to most people, but it's not like I fully wanted this. Saku puts a hand on my shoulder and smiles. I can tell it's a fake smile, but it makes me feel better none-the-less. 

"N/n-Chan! You should come work under me!" Dazai offers but I shake my head frantically. "Hm? Why's that?"

"Well, Chuuya-San wouldn't appreciate it if I decided to work for you instead of with him. After all, he doesn't like you too much." I smile and Dazai pouts.

"I don't care what that chibi would want. Odasakuuu, tell N/n-Chan to leave that chibi and work for me!" Saku just chuckles a bit.

"I believe that is her decision" Saku turns to me.

"Besides, it'd be a shame if she picked up your suicidal habits." Ango states and I laugh. Dazai just holds his chin in his hand and pouts.

"I would join you Dazai-San but, Chuuya-San is my friend. You have Onii-Chan, so I don't see why you'd need me." I pull out a notebook and start sketching something. 

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