☔The Tragedy☔

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Y/n's POV

I woke up on a comfortable couch. Not knowing where I was, I spring up confused. Where was I? I look to my left and see Dazai speaking with the boss to let him go somewhere. I scratch my head and swing my feet over the side of the couch. I wince in pain gripping my bandaged stomach. This gaining some attention, Mori and Dazai look over to me.

"N/n-Chan..." Dazai's shoulders drop and his face shows pity. Forgetting about our little squabble, I immediately get a bad feeling.

"Dazai-San? What's wrong? Where's Saku?" I glance around looking for him. Dazai drops his head and I tense up. "No..don't tell me.."

"N/n-Chan..the orphans were killed by mimic...Odasaku-San went to avenge them. I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen-" I cut him off.

"Is he alive?!" I raise my voice and hop off the couch, stumbling a bit and ignoring the pain. How could I miss such important events? Just how long was I out? And why was I up in the boss' room instead of the infirmary?

"Yes for now, but it won't be for long." I walk towards them and glare down at Mori.

"Where is he?" I ask sternly. Mori looks at me with a face that tells me he won't say anything any time soon. "Look, I don't care if you're the boss, you can punish me later! Now I'll ask again. Where. Is. My. Brother?" Mori smirks and looks away. I slam my hands down upon his desk and look fiercely at him. "This is your fault! We had a deal! Now tell me before I do something I'll regret!" Mori sighs then looks at Dazai. I turn to him as well and see what he's holding. 

"A gifted business permit?! I see.." I bite my lip out of frustration and head towards the doors. Holding my stomach to try and ease the pain.

"And where are you going?" Mori asks menacingly. I flip my head back over my shoulder to glare at him once again. 

"To save my brother. He's in danger." I turn to walk away again when two guards that were in the room raise their guns to me. 

"That would be unwise due to your injuries." I stop in my tracks. I lift my head a bit to glare at the guards. I wasn't in a position to activate my ability to avoid the shots.

Without turning around this time I respond. "No offense sir, but you're a complete fool if you think I'll just stand back and wait for my last blood relative that's alive to die. I know very damn well that I'm injured." I stop to turn around, hands clenching so tightly I drew blood. 

"But his life means more to me than anything else. If my brother so wished it I would find a way to burn this entire world to the ground. I'd happily give my life for him, so don't try to stop me or god so help me I will make my way to him through force." My voice trembled due to the intense emotions I felt. 

"Very well. You may go save your brother." Mori finally gave in, sighing. I turned my gaze to Dazai and nodded towards the door. 

"C'mon, you're my map. Lead me to him." Mori opened his mouth to intervene but I glared back at him. "Don't try to stop him either. He deserves to try and save him just as much as I do. He's his friend." Immediately after that I turned and walked to the door and opened it before getting interrupted. 

"Y/n, keep in mind you'll be severely punished when you return." Mori warned. I ignored him and waltz out, not wasting another second.

________Time skip

We get to their hideout and find dead bodies everywhere. Saku had already started. 

"Dammit.." I say through my teeth. I flip towards the entrance and start rushing in. Dazai follows close behind. As we rush through the building we come across a bunch of bodies. I clench my fists and continue running faster, leaving Dazai behind a bit. I run up the stairs and hear gunshots coming from one of the rooms. 

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