♝Overhelming Emotions♝

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Y/n's POV

I was currently in the infirmary with Akutagawa, he was getting patched up then we'd leave. His injuries weren't as bad as I thought, after all I'm used to Chuuya's punches which usually end up with the guys in a bed for weeks.

"So, are you going to explain your relationship to Dazai-San?" Akutagawa asks. I turn to him surprised, honestly because I didn't think he'd care that much.

"Well like I said before, I don't know what to call us. Acquaintances? I don't think that word fits, and I don't take the word 'friend' too lightly. Dazai-San is more like superiority to me. Just someone who is higher in rank and happens to be friends with my brother. So, in other words let's say I'm 'well' acquainted with Dazai-San instead of just acquainted." I fidget with my fingers as I think about it. For now, I'll just say Dazai, and I are well acquainted until I figure out a better word for it.

"I see. And about this 'brother'-" Akutagawa gets cut off.

"N/n-Chan, we have a good idea of where mimics HQ is. Come on, your brother is already heading there." I turn to Dazai and stand up. I nod before turning back to Akutagawa. He's glaring at Dazai.

"It was nice to meet and talk with you. See ya." I wave then skip over to Dazai. He pats my head and motions me out the door before turning to Akutagawa.

"You should be thankful N/n-Chan has taken a liking to you. Attempting to kill her was one of your biggest mistakes." He turns and walks out. I sigh and follow after him.

"You don't have to be so hard on him" I say.

"Right now, he's just a sword without a sheath. He needs to learn to control his killing urges." Dazai responds seriously.

"Well still. Maybe he wouldn't be so depressed and desperate to earn your acknowledgment if you were a bit easier on him." I clasp my hands behind my back as we walk out of the building. Suddenly Dazai stops right after and looks at me. I notice this and stop as well, turning to meet a cold hard gaze.

"N/n-Chan, you shouldn't tell me how to treat my subordinate. Bad dogs don't get rewards. Remember that." He turns back on his careless expression and hops into a fancy car. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and hop in with him.

"Yes, sir." I mumble and turn out the window. Of course, he wouldn't listen to someone like me, I'm just the little sister of his friend. It was dumb to think otherwise.


We reach their headquarters and find it's all blown up. I panic and jump out of the slow-moving car and run over to where I see Saku lying unconscious. I rush to his side and turn him on his back.

"Damnit Saku! I trusted you wouldn't get hurt like this again!" Dazai comes over and picks him up.

"He's poisoned, we need to get him out of here. Come on Y/n-Chan." He starts walking away. I flinch when he says my full first name. It isn't normal for him. Is this what it's like when he's mad at you? I sigh and follow back into the car. If Dazai is mad because I tried standing up for someone then it's on him.

________Time Skip

I was sitting on a chair next to where Saku was resting. Dazai was at the end of the bed also sitting on a chair. I haven't spoken to him since he called me Y/n unless it was work related. Everything was silent until Dazai finally spoke up.

"You're a lot harder to work with when you're rebellious, y'know." He sighs out. Already irritated and having no patience I immediately respond.

"Well, Chuuya did just fine, so I don't see the problem." I retort. Dazai shoots his head towards me shocked.

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