🔍The Case🔍

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2nd Person POV


You fall into the river along with Dazai. He's holding you tightly, almost as if to hold you under with him. You had shut your eyes right before you fell in so all you saw was darkness, however you felt nearly everything. You felt Dazai's grasp around your waist, you felt the water submerge and pressure itself around your body, you felt the little bubbles float up from below you from the impact you both made by falling in.

You clenched your eyes shut tighter as you struggled to hold your breath. Although Dazai had whispered to you right before to hold your breath, you were unaware of what he was actually talking about and so did not take his warning literally. You felt your lungs begin to fight for more oxygen as you let your breath go, unable to hold it any longer.

You gripped onto Dazai, trying desperately to warn him that your lungs could not hold out any longer as you began to feel your consciousness fading. You finally reached your limit and inhaled an entire mouthful of water, the taste unbearably salty. Feeling like this might be the end because of Dazai's stupidity you let out a silenced cough. You were about to take your final breath before you passed out when a giant net pulled you both from the water and away from your approaching end.

Once out of the water and free from Dazai's grasp finally, you began to cough hysterically inhaling the oxygen you urgently needed and coughing out the water you had previously inhaled.  Once you were done your coughing fit however, you began to hear voices of panic and opened your eyes. 

After you had done so, you met gazes with not only a few police officers but Ranpo and Atsushi as well. They were staring at you both quietly for about a millisecond before Atsushi's face turned into one that let you know that he was judging you hardcore. You stared blankly at him before Dazai piped up right beside you. 

"Hello, Atsushi-Kun. What a strange coincidence." He waved happily. Atsushi was about to respond when you felt an unbearable feeling in the pit of your stomach and before Atsushi could say anything, you swiftly turned your head towards Dazai. 

"You asshole!" You whack his arm and then help yourself back to the ground. "Seriously, who the hell grabs someone like that and falls into a river on purpose!? And who expects that person to just hold their breath when there's no context at all!? I almost drowned, do you know how serious this is!? You almost killed me!" You began a huge rant, waving your arms around all over the place. 

The others decided to shut your endless ranting out and focus back on what they were originally doing. Atsushi questions Dazai about if this was yet another suicide attempt; to which Dazai explained how he will now only be committing a double suicide with a beautiful woman right by his side, willing to join him in such acts. 

Atsushi looked a bit confused. "Huh? So what was this about?" He questions hesitantly. 

"Hmph, I was simply drifting along the river with N/n-Chan." He carelessly answers to which you glare at him. 

"More like attempting to murder me.." You mumble under your breath quietly.

"I see." Atsushi responds dryly. 

"By the way, Atsushi-Kun, what are you doing out here?" Dazai questions and I turn my gaze towards Atsushi, curious of his response and reasoning as well. He was accompanying Ranpo which is an event that wouldn't regularly occur unless Kunikida made it happen.

"I'm on a job." He responds dryly once again. 

"A job?" Dazai tilts his head. "What kind?"


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