Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I decided this was just too much for the moment, with everything that has gone on and now this I was needing a break from it all.

 I decided to go upstairs and just take a long hot bath, I knew Derek would be up shortly to check on me, I could feel his worry seeping through the bond and I was okay with that since I knew he could feel what I was feeling. 

Soaking in the tub, it was exactly five minutes before he walked in the door and shut it, he stripped and climbed in behind me, laying against his chest and having his hands lather up the soap and wash my arms and just wash away the tension was nice for a change. 

The pregnancy was going great, but I worry about the babies with all the stress going on, Derek started to rub my belly, "its normal love to feel that way but trust me when it comes to our babies, nothing will affect them as you think, they feel things like we do but they are also part wolves, they adapt and learn while still in the womb".

 We spent the rest of the night in bed making each other feel the pleasures that only we can bring each other. Waking up I noticed the calmness that was surrounding me, for a change it was nice not waking up with ten million things going on.

 We were finally married, and the nursery was almost complete, Derek's house was finally becoming a home where even the pack members were happy with how things were developing all over within the pack and the lands. Derek was easier did not bite their heads off with the slightest glitch. 

The women of the pack were more relaxed and enjoyed taking on different responsibilities to help, most actually enjoyed the new change, still had the few odd ones that preferred to stay away from the pack but that was their choice. 

Getting up and showered to start the day, I wandered down to the kitchen to start the kettle for my tea, grabbing my favorite mug I set the tea bag into it and walked over to the window to see what was going on outside. This early in the morning was the best to just sit and relax and wake up before the demands of being the pack alpha female comes into play. 

Grabbing the kettle and poring the water I took my tea and sat on the couch, it was chilly in the mornings now and I was not wanting to get everything on, so sitting here watching outside was just as good but in the comforts of my own home.

 I must have not been paying attention because suddenly there he was, standing outside looking right back at me, "what the hell?" I said.

"Derek" I yelled in our link, I knew he was asleep because there was a loud crash from upstairs and suddenly, he was right next to me. 

"What's the matter sweetheart?" he asked still in a panic mode all I could do is point, Derek looked to where I was pointing, "that son of a bitch" Derek said under his breath, I could feel the anger start to radiate off my mate. 

He strode over to the door and went outside to face off with Mr. Heart, the man I considered a father figure, who turned on me and tried to set his only son up to kill Derek and take me as his mate when that backfired and he was killed, Mr. Heart decided to set our barn on fire for reasons I still do not know. But I have a bad feeling about all of this, something is not settling right.

 By the look on Mr. Hearts face, he just was not the same man that took me in for the job and mentored me and spent hours listening to me ramble on about certain issues I would have climatizing to the office and just city life. 

He stood there facing Derek with a blank look on his face, shaking his head and I could tell those two were in a heated discussion about what has been going on, Derek has known this man for over fifteen years, so I knew this was weighing heavily on his mind.

 Before my eyes both men changed in a blink of an eye and two wolves stood there facing off at each other, Derek was a lot bigger than Mr. Heart, but I learned that size did not matter, it was the knowledge you had on how to defeat the other wolf. I knew Derek had the experience and knowledge on all of this, but Mr. Heart was sneaky which made him someone you would not know his moves until the last second. 

One thing though going for Derek is he had run with Mr. Heart in his pack when Derek was younger.

 Hopefully, that gave him an advantage right now, I was not about to lose my mate to this sneaky bastard because he was pissed his weak ass son was killed instead of letting things go. They both stood their ground snarling but not attacking.

 I have no idea what to do at this point I am two months away from giving birth and they tell me not to shift or I could go into labor early, damn it why did Mr. Heart just have to pull this crap, why could not he just deal with the fact that this is all brought on by himself. 

Pounding on the glass I started yelling at Mr. Heart to piss off and to just go away, but I knew that was not going to do any good. 

Once two wolves were locked on to each other ready for battle there was not anything anyone could do. All I could do was to turn my back once Derek mind linked me asking me to do that, he knew what he was about to do and did not want me seeing it and I respected him for that, I also knew Derek had no choice, being the alpha and this being his pack and lands, what Mr. Heart did was break ever rule that was in place for a reason.

 I stood there with my shoulders back and chin up a bit, but my back went to the two wolves that were now locked into a fight till the death, Derek would have shown mercy and left him alive but with how Mr. Heart is so unpredictable he was not taking that chance since we were about to have our babies soon and did not want anything happening to them.

 It felt like the fight went on forever but, it only lasted a few minutes, I turned around and saw Mr. Hearts wolf shimmer than transform back into the man, Derek stood there and wrapped him up in a blanket, there would be a burial since he was at one time a great alpha of his own pack a long time ago. Derek picked up Mr. Heart and took him over to the woods where he would get a burial, but it would not be a big one, just Derek alone out of respect and that would be it.

 A few minutes later Trisha walked in and started breakfast and occasionally she would walk over and pat my hand with a sad smile, she knew how hard it was seeing everyone I knew in my life die right before my eyes. 

I guess in this new life it was a tough one and not a fair one most time but one I was going to have to learn to live with and accept. Being a wolf and human were two separate beings that learned to get along. 

It took me a long time to learn how to deal with all of this but over time I knew things would be good for us since the dangers of recent were all gone. I could take it easy and let the rest of the next few months fly by and just concentrate on making sure our babies were healthy and loved beyond everything.

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