Chapter Sixteen

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Stephen sat there watching what happened between Derek and myself, and at that moment I could care less to a point, I cared for Stephen, but I had no idea where he lived, and I just met his wolf. I do not even know his favorite food even things with Stephen were at best was when you met someone for the first time you know their name and the basic info, but he never even bothered to take me to his home and that made my wolf and myself uneasy. 

I like knowing everything about a person before I fully commit, I thought," that's why we see Derek as a mate Lori, Stephen has potential, but he has been too secretive as Derek has opened up his home and who he is and wanted his wolf to meet me the other has not," my wolf whispered, and I agreed with her. 

Finishing with Derek's breakfast I noticed when he sat down Stephen tensed up, setting the plate down in front of Derek I grabbed the fruit and set it on the table, going back to make my omelet I decided it was time to clear the air for the last time so we can figure out this whole thing.

 "Okay, I think it's time since the three of us are here and I have had a few new developments and I am well rested and my brain is actually clear, I want to start by telling you guys on how I am feeling about all of this stuff.

 I know I am new into this world, and I already know a few of the rules as no human can know about us and not to let my wolf overtake me when in public and that kind of stuff, but I want to talk about the three of us.

 Stephen you have been wonderful to me when all of this started happening, I had no clue as to what I was or what my parents were, they kept a lot of things hidden from me, also, I really do not know anything about you Stephen, you have kept me in the dark about you, I have no clue where you live never even saw your wolf till last night and that was not by your choice but your wolf so that to me says a lot. 

As for everything being my choice, I am okay with that, since this is all new, I like to have the control over what goes on with me, that will always be the case even after I mate one of you. I will not be set aside or have my choices made for me, not how I work, nothing is to be kept hidden from me ever again. 

You guys want me to make a choice, well until I know every little thing about each of you, I will not make a choice and I know what goes on after the full moon if I do not. I will accept that and have new suitors besides both of you wanting to be my mate. 

Now Derek, at first, I was not sure about you, you were arrogant but kind, you were hot and cold, and I could not figure you out for the life of me, until you enacted the old law of spending a week with you. I hated you at first for that taking my choice away for that moment, but I have come to see the real side of you. You are funny, caring, gentle yet strong, when need be, you let me make my decisions and support me even if they are the wrong ones.

 I never have to question where your loyalties lie with me, and that is a big one to me since I was always kept in the dark. I only want the light now. You once told me you wanted to make sure I felt protected, loved, and safe when I am around you or around your pack land, I will tell you that has been the case since I stepped foot out of the car. My wolf trusts you fully as I do as well, you have opened about your life since you could remember being young till now. That means the world to me. 

Now I will tell you one thing, and I will not elaborate on it until later, but my wolf and I agree as of right now she seems Derek as her mate, after I leave here, Stephen you have one week that I will spend at your home to see how my wolf and I feels about you, you must be transparent if you cannot do that than let me know so I can move forward with my life and the choice I will make. 

Now with after I eat, I would like to go for a run with both of you, no more alpha shit to be pulled. I just want our wolves to run and be free for a while, then later tonight, after Stephen has gone back to his home, I would love to have that bonfire with your pack Derek so I can meet everyone, and they can meet me". 

 I sat down and started eating not even paying attention to either of the men sitting there with the smile Derek has on his face, or the pissed off look Stephen was giving me. I had made my choices and told them the way it was going to be, I was done playing by their rules it was time my wolf and I stood on our own and used our alpha powers to create a world that would best suit us. 

Stephen got up; "you know Lori, I expected much more from you. I thought what we had was the start of something greater than just the pack, but I see Derek has got you thinking the pack is everything well let me tell you it is not, they are always pulling you in ten different directions and you never get a moment of peace and quiet. Always problems that you have to solve for their asses, I for one was not taking the alpha role from my father just for that reason, but then you came into the picture, and I saw a life with us and down the road maybe a few kids/pups maybe, but now you think you can just tell me what you expect and I'm to bow to that, forget it". 

As he stood there my wolf bristled and I started to growl, standing up I walked over to him, "how dare you think you have the right to talk to me like that, you weak spine of a wolf, you dishonor your wolf and your pack, your father wanted to give it to you so you would man up but apparently you can't even do that.

 I want pack and I don't care if there are two hundred problems a day, that is what the job entitles as alpha mates. I want that, and I want the kids/pups and I want a family I never had, I want love, honor, and comfort even if it's the house in the middle of nowhere and it has nothing but four walls and a roof. 

I dismiss you as a potential mate, you are free from any bonds, and I disown any bonds that was between us. I never want to see you again Stephen, now show yourself out". I turned my back on him and as soon as I heard Stephen growl at me, Derek was up out of his seat, throwing Stephen out of the house faster than I could blink. 

Seeing Derek become enraged was a sight that terrified me yet also turned me on, that man had power radiating off him and my wolf and I loved ever part of that man that I just realized will be our mate and my wolf sat there proud as could be. 

Derek walked in the house and walked right over to me, picked me up and put me over his shoulders and we went upstairs where for the next five hours we spent making passionate wild sex to where we could not get enough of each other, afterwards while we were laying there in the afterglow, "So my dear, is it true that you and your beautiful wolf have chosen my wolf and me as your mate?" Derek asked like he was afraid the bubble was going to burst.

 "My love, what I said this morning was true, I dismissed Stephen and my wolf, and I are in perfect agreement that you are our mate as long as you want that also?" I said leaning towards him. He grabbed me and started kissing me, "of course I want that baby, I've wanted you as our mate since the first time I laid my eyes on you, my wolf was nipping at me saying mate when our eyes locked on each other and since then I have wanted to just be as close to you as possible" he said between kisses.

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