Chapter 17

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*Major Fucking Timeskip*

Dream's POV  

It's been 7 months since Blue's attempted suicide and I still don't feel like I fit in with the Bad Sanses. All of them have been so nice to and I repay their kindness with rude comments, yelling, I've almost started hitting. I should go, maybe when Dawn is born, I'll leave and then I'll know my kids are safe with my brother.

*A Month And A Half Later*

Dawn was born a few days ago and she already is crazy, loud, uncontrollable. Like what does she want? I've tried everything I can think of, another reason leaving her would be better. Blue is a better parent than I'll ever be, wait she probably wants Blue.

My knocks were soft on Blue's bedroom door, Dawn was screaming beside me so he should hear us. The door opened to see a very flustered Blue, Dust was sleeping on his bed and a book was on the bedside table.

"Dawn is being fussy again and she wants me, right? I think you just need to get her to like you more," Blue tiredly spoke to me.

"Please, just one more time. She doesn't calm down no matter what I do," I was practically begging Blue.

"Fine, but maybe she wants to hang out with Abyss. Killer and Horror really don't mind you asking them to let the kids play together. Plus they are newborns, they can't cause much trouble," Blue is definitely trying to get out of stopping Dawn's crying every time she cries.

"Okay, but can you please take her now. I left Palette with Geno and Reaper because he plays with their sons Goth and Raven," Blue took Dawn and glared at me as she calmed down.

I teleported to Geno and Reaper's house, Palette instantly started crawling towards me. They both smiled at me as I picked him up and then grabbed his hat, placing it back on his head.

"Thanks for watching him, I've been having a hard time with Dawn. She likes to cry a lot and Blue is the only one who can calm her down. He's honestly getting pretty pissed every time I ask him to calm her down," I'm glad I can rant a little to them.

"Newborns cry a lot, Blue's probably getting a bit sick of you asking him to calm Dawn down. It's understandable, you most likely are asking him quite a lot, due to Dawn crying a lot," Geno told me softly.

Blue's POV 

I want to yell at Dream so bad, because I'm clearly the only one who can calm Dawn down. Before she was even born, I told Dream I didn't want to be super involved and here we are. Dream can't fucking listen to anything I say and will turn my words against me when I call him out on it.

This is too much stress, Dust will be scolding me about cutting tonight. Dawn is asleep in her crib and Dust is chatting with Horror about killing humans, the perfect conditions for cutting. My blades are hidden all over the house, now to choose where I wanna cut.

The bathroom off of the room I share with Dust is where I have decided to cut, I hope no one decides to check on me. The bathroom is quite cold and removing my sweater and gloves didn't help.

Chills ran through me as I cut my scar covered wrists, Dust won't be happy to se twelve new cuts. Maybe I should stop, this is probably enough for this week. Dust will get overprotective of me if there are too many cuts.

Eight more cuts and I'm done, the search for me has probably begun by now. The floor was quite bloody and I'll have to clean it after I'm done bandaging my wrists. A knock was heard a moment later and I opened the door.

"Blue, you had me worried. No one had seen you in over an hour, I was worried that you were trying suicide again. Please don't just disappear like that again," Dust was crying against my hoodie and I hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry, I just needed some alone time. Everything with Dawn is just stressful and I know I should have told you. The chance of you staying to comfort me would have been high though," he nodded against my chest and I dragged him over to our bed.

"Are we gonna cuddle? You are basically a cuddle addict at this point," Dust was joking around again and I knew he understood what was going through my head.

"So what, I like cuddles," I teased back slightly.

"You're adorable, I love you so much," Dust was now snuggling me, as his sweet words came out of his mouth.

"I love you too," I muttered back, letting myself melt into both the bed and my boyfriend.

Dream's POV 

Palette was now home and asleep, everyone was heading to bed. About an hour later I packed up some clothes and left, being quiet as not to wake anyone up. I was going back to Ink, even though I know what is going to happen to me when I get there.

-870 words 

I'm going through to school tomorrow morning and I really just wanted to put a chapter out before then. My anxiety is so fucking bad, I don't want to be around people again. I want to remain in my house relaxing and enjoying myself.

I'll love you even when you can't (Dustberry)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat