Chapter 1

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Blue's POV

I had just woken up to Palette and Blueprint crying, they are really loud! Me and Ink have been dating for a year and a half, Dream and Ink were dating before that, but Dream was so stressed about Palette that he couldn't mange the relationship and a kid. Ink only a month later was flirting with me, I liked the idea of being with him so I said yes when he asked me out. 3 months later we were having a kid, I unlike Dream, wasn't going to break up with him because of the pregnancy. Having a child with someone I call my lover was a dream to me.

I crawled out of bed and towards the sound of crying. Dream was awake as well going to grab Palette and calm him down. When I had gotten to Blueprint his crys were loud enough to start cracking the glass of the window. It was a miracle that he stopped when I picked him up.

With a now calm, happy, sleeping Blueprint, I was able to go back to bed.

*Next Morning*

I was the first one up, so I started making breakfast for everyone. Pancakes for me, Ink and Dream. Apple sauce for Blueprint and Palette.  

Ink suprised me by jumping down the stairs, while holding Blueprint, I was about to scold him for being reckless with our child when Dream showed up, looking exhausted as well as wide awake.

"Morning Ink, Blue," he mumbled as he continued walking over to the kitchen where I was making breakfast.

"Morning," I said as cheerfully as I could muster with my recent feeling of hopelessness and dread that lead to many nights of telling myself that being depressed is in the past and it will stay there. It isn't.

I could never tell anyone about how I hold a razor blade insanely close to my wrist most nights. The feeling to just cut and bring myself relief to all my doubts and insecuritys that follow me. Damn it, I almost made a mistake on the food cause I was so focused on my issue.

Ink noticed my almost mistake, he looks confused, probably because I make this all the time and never mess up. 

"Blue, are you still tired? 'Cause you almost put to much flour in the pancake batter," Ink stated how I almost messed as if he was bored, but him pointing it out stung. He could have just asked if I was tired, he didn't need to point out my mistake. 

"I'm good Inky, just a little out of it," I had to say before he noticed my slightly shaking hands.

"Okie! Well I'm gonna check on the Doddle Sphere and then have some of your delishous pancakes," he happily spoke while grabbing his paintbrush and heading out. 

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This took a little over half an hour so I might make shorter ones like this every couple nights or go for longer chapters if anyone reads this anytime soon then comment if I should write longer chapters with a little more time between when they come out(Probably like every other day to every 2 days). 

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