Chapter 2

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Dream's POV

Blue has been acting weird all day, Blueprint was crying for 5 minutes before he noticed, which is the longest it's ever taken. I know my friends and I know when something is wrong, I'm gonna have to talk to Ink about this.

Ink's POV 

I was sitting on the sofa with Blue sleeping on my lap, he looked so peaceful, I'm glad he's getting his sleep because I plan on taking him and Blueprint to the park in a pacifist timeline, maybe get some ice cream. My thoughts were cut off by Dream, great. I looked at him, with the look of why the fuck did you need my attention look.

"Ink I just want to know if you've noticed something off about Blue today, 'cause I have felt some negativity coming from him," Dream was careful with his words knowing full well that I was pissed he interupted my cuddle time with Blue.

"He's just tired, he literary said it himself. Dream you can clearly see that nothing is wrong, except Blueprint waking him up at night, now can you just go," I started getting angry while I was talking and Dream backed away slowly like I was a wild animal.

Blue's POV 

I heard everything Ink and Dream said, I need to be more careful with what I feel or Dream is gonna figure me out. I don't want anyone especially Ink to know about this problem of mine. Ink wouldn't take it well I know because he yelled about how it was so 'fake' when Killer came to me sobbing with bloody cuts on his wrists. Maybe it was because he's our enemy, but still you don't tell someone, who is depressed enough to hurt themselves, that they don't need help, that it's all in their head. Ink also called Killer a fake bitch, I told Killer to leave and talk to one of his friends about it, I hope he did.

Ink always is like this when depression and self-harm are involved, I won't be any different than Killer when Ink finds out. I want to run away from my problems, but I can't.

*Later that day*

I was dragged to the park in Storyswap, which is a pacifist timeline, great a bunch of people who are happy with their new lives. My soul ached at the thought of everyone being open and understanding, tears were threatening to spill from my eyesocket. One good thing about dating an idiot, he doesn't notice the little things.

We got ice cream moments after I nearly had a mental breakdown, Blueprint giggled when he got ice cream on his forehead and I couldn't help but smile. I've been blessed with a sweet and wonderful child, one I don't want to leave. Suicide would be leaving him, so I can't, but the pull remains, towards the blade and towards the rope.

Ink's POV 

Blue has been smiling at Blueprint for a while now, he seems zoned out. Maybe Dream was right, Blue might not be ok, but is he a threat to my kids? I'll find out and then deal with the situation appropriately.

"Blue, babe you good," I softly put my hand on his shoulder, "I was thinking maybe we could go for a short walk then head home."

"Yeah, I'm good, lets go," He sounded so chipper, yet so dull at the same time.

Blue carried Print during our walk, but didn't say a word. It was creepy, he looked so lifeless and a part of me decided that he's more dangerous than originally thought. I can't say why he's dangerous, because I don't know. Should I ask? Or would that be a bad idea? I'm going to take Blueprint from him, just so I feel like my baby boy is safe.

When I went to take Print Blue pulled away from me and stuck one of feet out to trip me, I landed face first in the mud. I glanced up at my boyfriend and he looked confused, maybe scared too.

Blue's POV 

I just tripped Inky, why did I do that? He's my boyfriend, it doesn't make sense why that would be my instinct when he reached for.... Was I protecting Blueprint? But there's no threat. Unless Ink is the threat, but he shouldn't be. He's not dangerous.

-725 words

Yay, another chapter and it's longer, so yeah I'm start working on the next chapter or a oneshot I don't know.

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