Chapter 2

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-: Chapter 2:-

I closed my books before frowning at the clock. I was currently in Mr. Blackburn’s class, which he let me use to tutor Jaspar. He had told me that tutoring would start at four ‘o’clock sharp, yet it was 4:45 and Jaspar still hadn’t shown up.

“Ugh.” I groaned. Checking the clock one more time, I finally gave up and started packing up my stuff. If this kid wasn’t going to take this seriously, then I couldn’t care less. I wasn’t going to waste my time over this. I reached for my science textbook blindly, and it fell onto the floor.

“Dammit.” I bent over to pick up the book. In my line of sight, I saw feet appear before me. Looking up I saw none other than Jaspar Daniels himself.

He didn’t say anything and I found myself glaring. “You do realize you’re forty-five minutes late, right?”

He still didn’t say anything.

I got up, banging my head on my desk in the process. I let out a few curses. “Are you ready?” I asked him after a few moments of silence.

“I can’t stay.” Was all he said before turning to the door once again.

“What?” I sputtered. “How dare you! First you come late and then you say you’re not staying? What’s the point?”

Jaspar shrugged one shoulder. “Uh, yeah.”

I shook my head at him, exasperated. “wha-“ I stopped myself and stomped my foot. Like a child, might I add? “Well?” I demanded, crossing my arms. “Do you have a valid excuse or what?”

He blinked, as if not expecting me to ask him this. He swallowed, trying to clear his throat. “Do I really need a valid excuse?” he rose an eyebrow, and proceeded to lean against the wall next to the door, his arms crossing, just like mine were. His dark hair was messy; he must run his hands though it a lot.

He smirked then, I must’ve been staring. Gosh that must’ve looked creepy.

Trying not to look like some crazed stalker, I brushed his smirk off and said “yes, you do. You can’t just show up this late, then expect me to let you off the hook. Unfortunately, Mr. Daniels, I don’t work like that.” I paused, waiting for some sort of reaction to come from him. But who was I kidding? This was Jaspar Daniels. He had as much emotion as a piece of wood.

He looked at me indifferently, like he couldn’t be bothered to look even remotely interested in what I had to say.

I withheld a huge sigh, demanding instead for his excuse. He shrugged ion response. “I don’t have one.”

Was he for real? “Then why can’t you stay?”

“Because,” he said it slowly, as if I was an infant who couldn’t understand. “I can’t. I have to go somewhere.”

“Where?” I put my hands on my hips. Now, he didn’t have to answer me. I actually didn’t even care for an answer. Sure, I was curious, but I could go on without knowing. I was merely just challenging him. As far as I know, this is probably the longest conversation anyone’s ever had with him. And I wasn’t going to let him slip away from me that easily.

Jaspar’s eyes hardened, his jaw set. His hands clenched and unclenched at his sides. It took two strides from his long legs for him to reach me. We were close. Too close, if you ask me. He glared right at me, and I tried not to back away in fright and discomfort. He was really starting to scare me.  In a deep, low voice he said “that is none of your business.”

I swallowed a lump in my throat. “Well, it kind of is…you know since I’m your tutor and all…” though I tried to sound unafraid and confident, I’m sure he heard my voice waver. I sounded like an idiot.

Jaspar laughed. It was a dark laugh. Nothing amusing about it. “Do me a favour, and leave me alone. Everyone else does."

With that, he spun on his heel and stalked out of the room. Leaving me frozen in my place.

Ladies and gentlemen, my first encounter with Jaspar Daniels.

This is chapter is extremely short, I'm aware. But don't worry, I'll be uploading the first four chapters today.

Song of the chapter: Under Pressure by Queen


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