Chapter 10

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-:Chapter 10:-

You know how some girls think that having a boyfriend or meeting that "special someone" is going to alter their lives forever? Yeah, well none of that happened to me.

Life went on as it always does. The only difference was that occasionally I would remember something that happened that night and I'd start giggling in the most absurd manner.

Truth be told, it's only the next day, so I'm not all that surprised that nothing spectacular happened. It was like any other Sunday, no different than the rest - and by that I mean that I had stayed up 'till the wee hours of the morning texting my new boyfriend and ended up sleeping in well past what was ordinary.

I would have stayed asleep too, had Katherine not yelled at me from downstairs. I would've been able to ignore her also, but - oh no - Katherine had to go and beat me up with a pillow.

"There's a guest here to see you and you're sleeping! Don't be rude!" she yelled with each whack of the pillow.

I ever so slowly got up, holding my hands up in order to stop my evil sister from bruising me even more.

"Just tell Soph to come up." I mumbled, still half asleep.

"It's a boy." This caught my attention.

My thoughts immediately went to Seth and I found myself awake and sprinting to the front door only to find Jaspar there.

I froze in my tracks, almost falling over. "What are you doing here?"

"Hello Crystal. How are you?" He smiled, choosing to ignore my rude greeting.

"You should be resting!" I began scolding him, a hand on my hip. "Why aren't you relaxing? Don't make me get Sophia to drag you back to the hospital!"

He ignored everything I just said, instead showing me his backpack that was slung over his shoulder. "You're still my tutor, remember?"

It completely slipped my mind that the entire reason I had met the mess that is Jaspar Daniels in the first place was because I was assigned to tutor him in science.

Wow, things sure have changed since then.

"Couldn't you have called me over? That way I would've looked mildly decent and you wouldn't have to come here all bruised up."

"Details, details," he brushed me off. "There's a test tomorrow and Mr. Blackburn said that if I get below an 80%, I'll fail the semester."

"Jesus, that's a bit dramatic." he frowned at me. "Fine, just wait in the living room while I go fix myself up." I moved aside and finally let him in.

"No need, Crys. You look simply elegant with your bedhead and, say, are those Spongebob pyjamas?"

As he smirked, I looked down at my faded Spongebob pyjamas that had started to become small.

"Shut up." I heard Jaspar laugh as I ran up to my room to make myself look presentable.

Not that I needed to look good in front of Jaspar of all people (c'mon guys, this is Jaspar we're talking about), but I knew that if I looked like shit, he wouldn't let me hear the end of it.

So I quickly brushed through my tangly hair, putting it up into a messy bun after giving up. I put on the first pair of comfortable jeans that I saw, followed by a large Harvard hoodie. I hastily brushed my teeth before grabbing my science books from my bag and heading back to the living room where I found my guest and sister laughing.

"Whoa, what did I miss?"

They both turned to me. Katherine still had some laughter on her lips, and I couldn't miss the fact that Jaspar kept sneaking glances at her, proud.

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