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[Open] Date: Start of September 2020

I'm taking reading requests again! 

But the difference is: this page is for brutally honest reviews.

If you're looking for regular critiques or read for read promotion, click on previous pages. I opened this request page because I've been getting DMs for the past few months on honest critiques, and I'm offering them now to you. 

How It Works: Read this before you submit (form below)

1. If you're not into honest constructive criticisms or you're purely looking for read for read, you can find other options in earlier chapters. 

2. Once I accept your request I'll be fully dedicated to giving you a full review on everything I think you need to improve on, whether that's making your story better, getting more audience or better engagement.

3. Things I'll be critiquing on:

BOOK TITLE: how catchy is it? Does it give away the plotline?

DESCRIPTION: is it intriguing enough to make me want to click into it to read? (don't worry, I will eventually haha since I promised you the critique)

CHAPTER STRUCTURE: grammar points, general flow, etc.

READING EXPERIENCE: is it hard to read, does the plotline need work, etc. (For those of you who stuck by me when I published Project Cliché you'll know how I feel about these plots 🤡)

OTHER CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISMS: other things on how you can improve for a better reading experience.

4. Disclaimer: my critique is purely my own opinion. I want to let you know that I'm not telling you how you should be writing your book. It's important to know that you still have full control to do whatever you think is best. Advice is what I give.

5. What happens after you've been accepted:

a) Depending on how many entries I get, I'll let you know when I'll be reading your book (if you've done this with me you'll remember the drill; if you don't what I did was written in previous chapters)

b) I'll be reading one chapter of your book. If you want me to read more than one, follow the instructions written in the form.

c) After I'm finished, I'll be sending out two messages:

1: A thorough, detailed review either in your comments or DMs. Please include your preference in your form. If you received my message you'll know that I've read your chapter.

2. A positive comment in your chapter as an encouragement. I know we all need these types of motivation😌

d) Please be patient - good reviews take time😫


1. Your username:

2. Your Book Title:

3. How Many Reads It Has:

4. When Did You Start This Book:

5. What Do You Think You Need To Improve On? (but has no idea how to/ where to start/ hasn't gotten to it yet (I could gather ideas for my next chapter)):

6. If you want me to read more than 1 chapter (2-3), tag 5 great writers you know on this platform and I'll read more of your chapters and check their work out:

7. Critique: As Comment or DMed:

By submitting this form, you hereby declare that you understand my critique is my personal opinion and that I'm not held accountable for any "brutally honest" words that might hurt your feelings. What you want to take away from my critique is solely your choice and it is, again, solely and entirely my personal opinion. If you can't take brutally honest opinions, I strongly suggest you do not submit a form.

Thank you! If you'd like to enter your book for a potential shoutout, read the previous chapter. Entries close soon!

Thank you all for sticking with me! If you're still with me till now, gimme a thumbs up 👍🏼 I love you all and you're literally my motivation to make contents like this😫

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