🤡 Why You're Undiscovered 🤡

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Okay, no blah-blah-blah intros. Let's cut the crap and get straight to the point.

Are you undiscovered?




- not discovered

Simple explanation. Do you think you're undiscovered?:)

Why are you undiscovered?

Everyone asks themselves that. But no one is actually answering the question. Well, that's what I'm here for☀️

13 Reasons Why You're Undiscovered (excuse my kink🐝):

1. You're new to this.

That's right. You're new. You're not sure how to get people to read your stories (this I'll explain later); so you crawl in the corners and read this book. Sad, I know. But I wrote this book. So which one's sadder?

2. You don't advertise.

Dear writers, the Share Your Story thread is there for a reason. Go use the Wattpad forum to its fullest. Once you put your story out there, wouldn't the exposure rate go up? 

3. You're not active enough.

Be active, talk to your readers! Reply to their comments and questions with a smile:) Everyone likes a happy person, don't they? Let the readers see your best side, and you'll rule Wattpad like a king/queen!

4. You're not keeping it real.

You're not relating back to the readers. You're not saying enough things like "I'm singing in the shower again as my cat scratches the door as if complaining about my horrendous noise." People have instant attraction to the things they find relatable--I'm a psychology student so trust me on this😉

5. You don't update frequently.

Simple logic: why would people want to keep track of your writings when you don't award them with your amazing stories? Get your pen ready!

6. You don't read enough.

This might seem useless, and I admit I thought so once too. But reading widens your use of techniques, vocabs, and sentence structures. And you might even get a ton of inspo!

7. You don't participate in events.

Have you ever heard that book clubs and writing groups help increase your books' exposure? Now you know!

8. You always kick yourself in the face.

Not literally, duh. Because dear writers, the key to getting discovered is definitely not kicking yourself in the face. What I mean is, do you say something, and do the other? They say honesty is the best policy, but what about dishonesty?

9. You don't have a simplistic profile page.

It might not seem much, but your profile page is the first thing everyone sees. If it's packed with huge-ass paragraphs about elephants on the Discovery Channel, do you think people would be interested in the first place?

10. You don't check your chapter before publishing.

One of the things that bug readers the most is incorrect spelling and grammar. If your grammar is not perfect like me, it's completely alright. But keep track of the small things: sometimes a simple misspelled "dont" can drive people away instantly.

11. You oversize the clichés.

Don't get me wrong--a few clichés make a story perfection. But don't make the plot an easy guess: living with a room of bad boys and hating them before you get torn in choosing one to be your soulmate. Include a twist--people are attracted to unpredictable things (another psychology bonus). Who would want to read that story when they already know the ending?

12. You don't have a catchy cover.

The cover is the essential to a book. How are you supposed to attract your readers if your cover isn't good enough? If you're a crappy cover-maker like me, there are amazing designers in the Multimedia Design thread! And as I said, use the Wattpad Forum to its fullest.

13. You don't take a break.

This is SO important that I can't stress this enough. You might think it's not even worth mentioning, but BEAR with me, dear writers. If you upload 15 chapters a day, the excitement of predicting what might happen in the next chapter wouldn't be there anymore (yes, another psych bonus). And this is important--because this decides the life and death of your book--so I need to put this at the end😯

If you bore with me till now, give me a thumbs up:)👍🏼 I'm here to answer your questions, regardless how simple and tiny it is.

Read on for more tips--and reading requests!

Reading Requests: How to Get Your Book DiscoveredWhere stories live. Discover now