😈 Find Your Reading Request Order Here 😈

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[Reading requests are still open! This page is continuously being updated. If you can't find your request here, check back later]

Thank you for the people who submitted a request!

Since there's not a mountain full of requests, I've put together an organizational system (kind of like what I did the first time):

Here's how to find when I'm going to read your book:

1. I'm going to start with the people who submitted first.

2. Find where I'm at with the reading requests on my reading lists:

a) If you're under the "😈" reading request list, you're in the first batch and I'll be starting with your work.

b) "🤡": your work will follow along.

Don't stress if you're one of the ones at the back - I've been doing requests for quite some time so I'll get to you pretty quick. (If you can't see your work on any list yet, don't fret - Wattpad takes a while to refresh so just check back later:))

Remember that by submitting the form, you understand that my critique is my personal opinion. What you want to take away from my critique is solely your choice and it is, again, solely and entirely my personal opinion. Please don't come back spreading hate:( it ain't good for the community and it's definitely not what my offer is intended for.

Thank you for tuning in! I'll be reading my ass off and granting you some real brutally honest reviews. As I said before, you guys are literally my inspiration and motivation to do things like this. If you've stuck with me till now, give this sis a thumbs up 👍 :)

Also, I'll be announcing the shoutout for the contest earlier soon so enter while you can!

Reading Requests: How to Get Your Book DiscoveredWhere stories live. Discover now