Chapter 6- Kleptomaniac

Start from the beginning

" Not really, he's someone I met on the first day here. Even before I met Chelsea." She replies and they let go of the topic.

They rambled about their lives back home until the bill came in.

" Healenore, I kinda feel guilty for you missing breakfast so let me pay this for you so I feel less troubled." Veronica pulls out her wallet instead.

" But why?"

" I literally delayed you from taking a shower by fifteen minutes cause I was in there. So you ended up in the dorm late and couldn't make your bed and dress up fast enough. That was why you forgot your lunch bag so please don't let me explain any further." Veronica elaborates and pays off her debt.

" Someone's got some money to share. Tomorrow I'll like to be the person you delay in showering so you'll get me free breakfast." Faye jokes .

" In your dreams, I'll be up early like Ciarra and be done before you will open your eyes from sleep."

After finishing breakfast and paying up they leave the place.

Just on the walkway the bell rings to remind them that school assembly was beginning.

They walked to the assembly ground as a group.

The Principal wasn't present at this assembly and it seemed like she wouldn't be present in subsequent ones unless the need arises.

The Boys Prefect, Ekow was listing out the outline of programs for the semester after the prayer.

There was going to be an Interhouse Freshman Night where you either show your talent or get humiliated by being dressed up as a caricature.

There would be an InterClass talent competition, a debate that was optional and a showcase by the school's Music & Dance class.

There was also going to be a festival popularly known as DramaFest.

The crowd went rowdy when he announced the annual basketball game between the freshmen and senior class team. Also the school's team- Nelson's Tigers- will be playing with Kwahu Senior High's Pythons.

There was also going to be an interschool Science and Maths competition junior edition, meaning the first years would be the only ones competing.

Then there was the final deal for the entertainment outline. The End of Year school dance occuring two days before vacation. Themed IGNITE.

This was definitely gonna be an exciting semester.

Assembly was dismissed after the school's anthem was sung.

All the first years as usual walked towards the Assembly Hall to continue their orientation whiles chattering about all the entertainment stuff mentioned at the assembly. The room was packed as usual but with trustworthy friends, you always have a seat saved for you. Rufidat saves a seat for her best friend and a few of Ciarra's friends.

Today's edition involved a brain test for all of them. They were arranged in groups of hundred unto the upper part of the building upstairs to write surprise tests.

The school just wanted to know if the grades they came to the school with, really belonged to them.

By recess, they were done by which time it was drizzling. After recess, they come back to the hall for the rest of the session.

This time Mr Francis was their host. He climbs up the stage with his microphone in hand.

After a brief introduction, he informs them that today's session involved bringing out all the outstanding and super talented people in the class.

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