It Stopped Being a Demonstration

Start from the beginning

"I know that," Doug said, "I'm also former military."

"He wasn't really close to anyone, not much," Laura said, "A pity. He was a good person. Smart, capable and with a lot to offer. But no serious relationships, not even a girlfriend to mourn his passing. Then again, I never married, either. I guess neither of us were cut from that kind of cloth. But you two. A growing family and everything!"

"Yeah, um," Doug said, looking away.

Kick Kick.

"Tell us more about Jay," Lili prompted, "What he did for fun, that sort of thing."

"He trained. All the time, it seemed. He always wanted to be ready. The safety of the Enterprise was his primary concern at the end. He, uh, he died rescuing their Communications officer. She sent me a very comforting note afterwards," Laura stopped for a moment, "I'm sorry, it's a downer. Can I ask, Mr. Beckett, how are you and I related?"

"Please, uh, please, call me Doug," he said. He looked at Lili, "You explain it."

"Me?" Lili sighed a little, "Ms. Hayes," Lili said, "I'm no physicist. But I know that there are many universes. This one – the one that we're in – and there's at least one other viable one."

"I don't understand."

"I didn't, either. But, see, the other universe, it's almost a mirror of us. There are some subtle differences, though. And in ours, Jay is born on December fifth. And he's named Jay Douglas Hayes, right?"

"Uh, yes," Laura said, a little hesitantly.

"In the other one, that same person – kind of – he's born on December third. It's during the same year, 2102. And when he was born, he was named Douglas Jay Hayes. And he's sitting across from you."

There was silence. Joss broke it, "'Ommy?"

"Excuse me a sec," Lili said, going over to him.

"What does this all mean?" Laura asked.

"I'm not really Jay," Doug said, "I grew up without a sister. And, I'm sure, without his values. I'm an imitation. Not really your brother at all. Not back from the dead, for sure. But, I hope you'll take this day in the spirit in which it was intended. Because, uh, I just want to know who that guy was, and what made him tick. And, and who loved him and all of that. Because he shouldn't be forgotten."

"No. He shouldn't be," she said, a little shell-shocked-looking.

"I, uh, my life isn't the continuation of his story. I don't give him a happy ending. And I probably don't give myself one, either. But at least it's not a story that ended six years ago."

"Is there, do you know, is there some place that Yimar could take him for a few hours?" Lili asked, "I haven't lived in this area for a while, and I never paid attention to any attractions that would be good for a preschooler."

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