And she saw them – Andorian holding Gorn, Vulcan holding Tellarite, Xindi holding Nausicaan, Tandarin holding Calafan. She counted, when she got a chance, and saw that there were nineteen separate species of infant. Just about one-quarter of the eighty species the Witannen were collecting, so there had to be a total of four floors of prisoners. The only species missing, of course, was human. Not all of the infants could be comforted. They were swaddled, in a way, but there were no fresh diapers. Wet children, unfortunately, had to stay wet. And there was nothing to feed them with. Clearly, no one was expecting them to be awakened anywhere near that day. But they were awake all right.

All of the women rocked and cooed and shushed and sang and smiled at faces that did not match to their own. They were mothers. They knew just what to do.


Malcolm's team got in quickly. The ranks swelled – they were little more than an angry mob. They stormed into the exercise area. The Imvari were ready for them, but there were just too many of them.

Pale hands smacked dark faces, long feet kicked midsections. The shocking sticks, with some effort, began to change hands.

A green-skinned Orion handed him a stick, "I don't need it!" the Orion said, "I'd rather beat them with my bare hands."

The riot continued and Malcolm wondered how he'd get them to settle down. But he had to admit, getting the Imvari back was something he had to let everyone do.


Doug's team made it to the light. There was an alcove with a turbo lift. The sign on their wall was just a single pip, like the one-spot on a dice.

They crowded into the lift – about eighteen or so of them could get in at once, "Where to?" It was Travis's voice.

"What are the options?" yelled Doug.

"Uh, we're on one. And it goes up to four," The markings were just pips – one, two, three or four, "Plus the one below one is just a semi-circle."

"Try that one!"

He pressed. They went down.


Quellata was not pleased. She threw the vet out of her bed.

"I thought you said the mix was going to keep them subdued!"

"It normally would," he replied, "We must have another telepathic species."

"Root them out! We'll have to trash that stock. Humans!" she seethed, banging a panel on the wall, but no one was answering communications hails.


Hoshi kept looking at button after button. Finally, one looked like it might be useful. It was almost like an asterisk – a crude starburst, "Is this Communications?" she yelled to the Witannen.

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