Goodbye Gorgeous

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A.N Sorry about the uh title :( Please vote and comment, my comments have dropped off lately and it kinda makes me not as motivated to write because I worry people aren't enjoying my story, here's the tiktok too haha

It had been a week since Lexi had been admitted to the hospital to get the help she so desperately needed, the smile she now held rarely left her face, she was for the first time in her life completely and utterly happy. 

Well almost, there were still a few pieces of her missing, but she was beginning to work on remoulding herself, she was getting better and for that she was so so proud. 

The girl smiled slightly as she stepped out of the hospital, feeling the rain hit her face as she shivered, she looked around for Charlie's car, the boy had promised to pick her up.

A majority of the group had gotten their licences over the past few months as they began to turn 16 and experience the full extent of their sophomore year, Lexi was still 15 for a while though so, unfortunately, it would be a while till she could drive alone.

Lexi frowned in confusion as she didn't see her brother, she let out a sigh as she did see a familiar figure though.

She froze, seemingly locked in a staring battle with the person before she shook her head frustratedly.  Why them? Why now?

Adam Banks was sitting on the hood of his car in the pouring down rain staring at the girl.

Guy had told her everything that had happened but it hadn't changed much for the girl, she was still extremely hurt and still wasn't sure if she would get over it. Adam could have spoken to her, he could have told her what happened earlier. 

She understood he thought he was protecting her, and he was, but he also needed to be aware of the fact that he was the one who was breaking her. 

The boy quickly jumped down, causing the girl to quickly turn around and begin walking back inside, she cursed Charlie, he'd clearly set this up.

"Cutie wait, please" Adams voice called out as he reached her grabbing her arm and pulling her gently to a stop.

"You lied to me, you let me believe for months it was something I had done to you, you let me believe I had screwed up, I tried to end my life because I didn't see a future without you in it, I tried to end my life over events that you helped cause even if you didn't want to. I can't see you I don't want to" Lexi whispered brokenly.

Adam knew he had stuffed up, but he also prayed Lexi would understand, at the very least he wanted her to hear him out, she deserved an explanation.

"I knew if I told you, you would have chosen me. You would have let Zoe tell the whole school your secret. Because that's how you are Lexi Conway. But by choosing me you would have been breaking yourself and I-I just couldn't let that happen. I'm sorry I lied, I'm sorry I betrayed you and I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you. But we've been best friends since the moment you were born and I'm not ready to give that up. I'm not ready to give you up or us up and I know you aren't either " The boy rushed, anxiously wiping his wet hair off of his face.

"No, You see sometimes love is like a candle, at first it lightens everything up and then it starts to melt and it hurts you and then it's gone and all you're left with is a burn. I'm letting you go, I'm setting you free and it really really sucks because I care about you so much but I just don't know if I can trust you anymore, I'm sorry, Goodbye gorgeous" the girl whispered, sending him a final heartbroken smile before turning around and walking away.

"You know what I'm not sorry for?" the boy yelled, causing her to stop she didn't turn around though.

"I am not sorry for needing you or wanting you. I am not sorry for choosing you and most of all I am not sorry for being completely and utterly in love with you Lexi Conway"

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