No.. no way not today

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Lexi and Adam fell back to sleep pretty quickly after Charlie's pop tart incident that saw the dumb curly-haired boy nearly kill Lexi once again.

Lexi was beginning to think the boy was out to get her, this was his second attempted murder just this year. She wasn't even counting the 16 other times growing up like the drowning in the pool incident or the pushing her too hard on the swing incident or the hitting her in the head with the pan incident and you can never forget the almost suffocating her with a pillow when they were 6 incident. 

The girl woke up around 11am, rolling over to notice that Adam was still asleep. She grinned to herself as she formulated a plan, she stood up on the bed, positioning herself so she was standing over Adam. It was then that the girl flopped down landing on top of the boy. 

Normally it wouldn't be enough to wake Adam up, but when her knee slipped slightly and contacted the boys royal family he found himself shooting up in pain. Lexi panicked, quickly hopping off and trying to hide the grin on her face. 

"Are you okay Gorgeous, how's our future kids? They still alive in there?" the girl rushed out.

Adam rolled over in pain, letting out a groan as he shook his head, holding onto his precious cargo "no, I don't think they are okay" the boy moaned out.

Lexi laughed slightly, leaning over to place a kiss on the boys lips, causing him to relax slightly. "I'm sorry" she stated in a baby voice, pouting at the boy. Adam forced a smile through his pain and muttered out "It's okay Cutie. I know you didn't mean it"

Lexi sent him a bright smile, sliding off of the bed and grabbing clothes before heading to the bathroom. She heard Adam tell her he was going to use the guest shower before she immersed herself in the warm bath. 

Baths were Lexis favourite thing to do when she was stressed or depressed, she often liked to hold herself under the water until she felt her lungs about to explode It was her way of reminding herself that she was alive.

Lexi sat in the bath until it became uncomfortably cold before finally dragging herself out. She got dressed, brushed her teeth and did her hair and skin care before opening her bathroom door. She frowned slightly as she noticed a note on her bed but no Adam in sight.

My Cutie,

Meet me in the park in 30 minutes

Love Gorgeous 

The girl had no idea when he wrote the note but she assumed it was a while ago so she rushed down the stairs, passing her brother and yelling a frantic "Bye Char Char" this was followed by Charlie quickly responding "Later loser". 

Lexi stuck her middle finger up at the boy as she shut the front for and rushed towards the park.

The girl stopped as she noticed Adam standing with she who must not be named. "No... no way. Not today Satan" Lexi muttered, clenching her fists tightly. 

"Let go of me, Zoe. I'm not interested" The boy spoke annoyed, causing Lexi to let out a small sigh of relief, she trusted the boy, really she did but she'd be burned before and part of her worried it would happen again.

"What? You're still with baby Conway? What is she your perfect little girlfriend?" Zoe mocked as she kept her hand on the boy's arm.

Adam tugged his arm away, looking at Zoe in disgust, the glare he was sending the girl even frightened Lexi.

"You're pathetic. How dare you stand in front of me and try to talk bad about Lexi Conway. She's not my girlfriend, she's more than that. She's the light when I'm lost in the darkness and shes the warmth when I shiver in the cold. Her kiss still sends sparks through my body and thrills me even after 5 years of loving her. Her heart is filled with a kindness that our world is not worthy of. I laugh harder with her and I'm the real me when I am around her. I look at her and think how damn lucky I am to call her mine because I don't deserve the beauty that is Lexi Conway. I love that girl beyond measure and reason, so no, she's not just my girlfriend. She's all and she's more."

The girl felt a grin form on her face as happy tears brimmed in her eyes, she began heading out from her hiding spot, her intention was to embrace her boyfriend and kick Zoe's ass. 

Before she could get too far she heard the same snarky voice speak out as Zoe simply scoffed, letting out a laugh at the boy "you'll get sick of her eventually, and I'll be here waiting". The boy stared at Zoe in disbelief, his mind gathering the words he was prepared to say next.

Lexi sighed sadly as the words left the girls mouth, deep down she knew it was true, everyone left. It was just a matter of time before Adam Banks got sick of her and left her too. 

Lexi watched as Zoe lent up, placing a kiss on Adam's lips once again. 

The girl knew it wasn't Adams fault but couldn't help but feel her heart break as she watched Zoe's lips contact the boys. She saw the boy push Zoe away and look down at her angrily but that was all she needed to see.

Quickly turning on her heel, the girl walked away from the pair and headed back towards her house suddenly not in the mood for talking.  The girl didn't stay long enough to hear Adam cussing Zoe out and threatening to get the girl ducks to kick her ass if she came back.

Adam sat at the bench of the park waiting for Lexi for a further 30 minutes but the girl had yet to show up, it was like Lexi to be slightly late to hockey games or school but never to important things like dates with Adam Banks.

Realisation hit the boy and he felt worry fill him as he came to the conclusion that she may have seen. Adam had dealt with this before and he didn't think his heart could handle it again.

Lexi trudged up the stairs, throwing her bedroom door open before gently shutting it and sliding down the door , placing her head on her knees and letting out an annoyed sigh.

"I missed you" a voice yelled out, causing the girl to jump slightly in panic, banging her head on her door.

Her head snapped towards her bed and she noticed Guy stretched out , boredly throwing a hacky sack up in the air and catching it.

"Holy crap. I gotta put a lock on my door" the girl gasped out as she placed a hand on her quickly beating heart.

Guy looked at the girl with a pout on his face, Lexi looked at him in confusion before realising what he meant. "Guy, I missed you" she stated laughing softly.

Lexi walked over to the bed and slapped the boy in the head "what the hell do you think you're doing. You nearly killed me" the girl spoke causing the boy to let out a groan of pain. 

"No one was home and I got lonely so I was waiting for you" he informed her in a baby voice, causing the girl to let out a snicker. 

Lexi grabbed the boys wrist and dramatically pulled him off of bed. "I'll be out in a while I just need a moment" she informed the boy, not giving him a chance to respond as she shut the door in his face.

Lexi heard a knock a few moments later "Give me a second Guy" she spoke, the boy had no patience honestly, he was like a child.

"It's me, we gotta talk" the voice of Adam begged through the door. 

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