I hate you

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Lexi stood up slowly, dragging her feet towards the door, she looked up and saw the face of one distressed Adam Banks. She smiled slightly and moved forward to embrace him, she wasn't going to hold a grudge, It wasn't his fault, she knew that.

The boy stepped back, holding out a hand to stop the girl from embracing him. She sent him a confused smile but he seemed emotionless as he stood looking down at her "Zoe kissed me"

"I know gorgeous, it's okay, I saw. I don't blame you-" The girl said, a smile still on her face, she wasn't going to let this break them. Zoe wasn't about to break them apart. She wasn't about to win.

 Before she could continue the boy spoke, cutting her off , "I liked it" 

"You liked it?" The girl whispered brokenly, staring at the boy in disbelief, he refused to look at her as she moved closer, doing her best to make eye contact with him, she had no idea what was going on.

"I'm sorry" the boy spoke, though there was no regret in is tone, it was if he didn't care at all. He stood boredly as they conversed, it was clear he wanted to be anywhere but with the girl.

Lexi shook her head, forcing the tears back, she wouldn't cry. Not like this. "Don't be sorry, I trusted you. My mistake, not yours. You need to leave. You need to go. I can't do this, at least not right now" the girl spoke soflty 

"I thought I needed to go months ago" Adam spoke, the venom in his tone hit Lexi hard, the boy had been her best friend for 15 years and he'd never as much of said a bad word to her, he'd done nothing but love her unconditionally, the boy in front of her, was not her Adam.

"What?" the girl spoke, feeling anxiety begin to fill her, she had no idea what the boy was talking about.

"This relationship, or whatever it was. I stopped feeling anything towards you months ago. It was just convenient. You just stopped being enough" he stated, Lexi noticed a slight tinge of regret in his eyes, but other than that his expression remained stone cold.

"This is a joke right? Gorgeous, please" she began, she felt her throat tighten and she started to struggle to breathe. She had no idea what was happening. 

"It's Adam. My name is Adam" the boy spoke simply, Lexi was pretty sure her heart shattered into a million pieces at that line.

Lexi looked at the boy brokenly, he refused to meet her eyes "What did I do? Please, please tell me what I did. I'll be better, do you want me to be better? Tell me what you want me to do" The girl begged.

"Can I have the ring I gave you back?" he said, holding out his hand.

"You promised me you'd never leave me" the small girl whimpered, looking into the boys eyes and waiting for him to tell her that it was all a cruel joke.

"Some promises are made to be broken" Adam spoke, causing Lexi to let out a sob.

"But I'm not a promise, I'm a girl who loves you. Please don't do this to me" she begged, he promised he'd never leave her.

The boy had no emotions on his face as he held out his hand for the ring

"I thought we were bestfriends, I thought we were in love" the girl spoke, clearing her throat as her voice broke due to the tears down her face and the sobs leaving her mouth

"Were, as in past tense" he spoke, still seeming bored with his venomous tone.

"I hate you" Lexi knew she didn't hate the boy, she loved him with every inch of her being and part of her knew he loved her, she regretted the words as soon as they came out of her mouth, but to her shock before she could apologise Adam quickly bit back.

"I hate you too" The boy had no emotions on his face as he held out his hand for the ring

Lexi gently slid the ring off of her finger. Placing it in her shaking hand before handing it to Adam who took it and without a word left her room.

Lexi sat frozen on her bed, not being able to comprehend the sudden change in the boy. She heard her front door slam shut and waited a few minutes before she stood, peeking into Adam's window. 

She watched as the boy walked into his room and threw the ring across the floor, seemingly emotionless as he moved like a robot towards his curtains, sending the girl one final glance before he shut them, blocking their view from each other.

It had only been a few minutes when Lexi heard her front door open, she knew Guy was already home, he must have been in his room because he was yet to hear her. Lexi knew that the front door meant Charlie was home, she needed him badly.

The girl didn't know what to do for a few monents, but as she scrambled her thoughts together she stood and rushed down the stairs, noticing her brother standing at the kitchen bench, loading the dishwasher. 

Before he could even react or notice the small girl standing there Lexi charged at him, wrapping her arms around him and continuing to sob loudly. 

Charlie froze for a moment in confusion, it took him only a second to quickly wrap his arms around his sister, pulling her close and doing his best to soothe her, despite not knowing what had happened. 

The noise from the girl was finally loud enough for Guy to hear, the boy rushed down the stairs in a panic and sent the taller boy a questioning look, Charlie continued to quietly shush his sister as he sent Guy a shrug, indicating he had no idea what had happened. 

Realisation hit Guy as he gritted his teeth, Adam had been here and now he wasn't, now Guy wasn't a genius but he knew how to put two and two together and it was pretty easy for him to come to the conclusion that Adam was the one who had broken the small girl. 

The girl pulled away from her brother, quickly wiping her eyes and muttering a quick sorry as she noticed his wet shirt. 

"Hey, never be sorry for needing a hug" the boy spoke softly, doing his best to reassure the girl who nodded at him tiredly, she tried to force a grin on her face but she couldn't as she looked at the concerned face of her older brother. 

Lexi felt tears brim her eyes once again, she didn't want to cry, really she didn't but she had no idea what else to do. Before Charlie could react Guy had rushed over, pulling the girl into his arms and running his hand through her hair in an attempt to calm her.

By the time she had calmed down it had begun to get dark outside and Charlie and Guy were waiting desperately for answers. Lexi took a deep breath as she explained what had happened a few hours prior. 

The girl watched as the boy's jaws drop as they processed her words. It took a few moments for Charlie's face to darken. "I'm actually going to go over there and kill him" the boy spoke angrily as he stood.

This caused Lexi to stand quickly as she put out a hand to stop her brother, Charlie noticed her hands were frantically shaking as she panicked and begged him to leave it alone.

 No matter how badly Adam Banks had treated her, she didn't want him to get hurt, after all she'd spent 15 years loving the boy.

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