F R I E N D S H I P S . A N D . L I E S

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"I asked you where..." 

"I was at a coffee shop..." He was trying to hit around the bush just to stoll the convartation until something unexpected happens that could stop him from revealing the truth. 

"With who?" Soon-hee shoot some death glares with just here eyes. Hao exhaled ready to reveal everything. "With a girl..." He finally announced and Soon-hee narrowed her eyebrows so surprised. 

"And why didn't you tell me, and had to lie about it?" She requested to know dumbfounded of the reason behind his secracy. 

"Wait... Aren't you mad I was out with a girl?" 

"Why would I be, idiot?" She was about to hit him because of his attitude. She literally was thinking of him being into some serious trouble. "I thought you are gonna be sad over sharing your beautiful best friend..." He bragged about his looks and Soon-hee scoffed. 

"She can have him all if she wants to!" Soon-hee finally got up from his bed and dived onto hers, shuttering her eyelids, frazzled of the day. 

"It's my fault... That I am actually trying to fix YOUR love life..." Minghao said while laying back as well. Her eyes slowly open, titling her head towards the boy. "What does that mean??" She crossed her ams being a little agressive over this comment. 

"Well, this morning when I was ready to sneak out of the house to meet that girl, I bumped Into Joshua as you know!" He trailled down. 

"Yeah... So?" She asked while her blood was already boiling. She already knew something was not right from the moment he said this Broomstick's name. 

"Well, we talked for a while. He asked me where I am going and If I am actually going to college. I told him where I am off too and after our convo was over he asked me If you have a boyfriend. As the loving friend that I am I told him you are on the market so he should totally go after you. Isn't that the reason he asked? It is! See! You can thank me now.... You don't need to buy me something out of gratidute. A single thanks will do!" He turned his head to look at her expressionless face. 

"Minghao..." She softly answered and Minghao smiled broad. 

"Yes Soonie..." 

"You are dead!"

"Wha-" He was about to say something but literally Soon-hee dashed to his bed and climbed his body. Both of her grasps enveloped his neck, ready to chock him. Minghao was screaming, trying to escape until he rolls her over and jumps away of his bed. 

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" He screamed on top of his lungs although he just witnessed how sufficating feels like. 

"YOU DESTROYED MY LIFE! WHY WOULD YOU TELL HIM THAT?" She screamed higher than him. 

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? HE ASKED ME BECAUSE HE LIKES YOU!" Minghao was still supporting his point of view although Soon-hee had a different outlook.  

"HE DIDN'T ASK YOU BECAUSE HE LIKES ME! HE HAS A DIFFERENT REASON!" She screamed embarassed. Joshua already knew about her not having a boyfriend but he let it slide. She lied so many times... It's embarassing... 

"Omg Omg Omg... I got so humiliated." She wiped her forehead in stress. 

"Before or after literally CHOKING ME?" He screamed and Soon-hee briefly turned around only to startle him again. 

"I-i am sorry..." He took a step back trying to play it cool. Stretching the back his neck he decided to talk to her. 

"What have you done? Why did he ask me this question if he doesnt like you?" Minghao sat on the bed amd patted the one side for her to scoot. "Let's say that I lied to him... I told him I had a boyfriend..." She admitted embarrased.

✰ 𝗢𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝗷𝘂𝗶𝗰𝗲 ⥇ 𝗛𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗝𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗼Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu