9. Sweet Promises

Start from the beginning

But I understand. Even if he changed his words to make it sounds more pleasant, it wouldn't make me feel any better. Because this is what happened. There's no need to sugarcoat it if the reality is far more bitter.

I should've gotten used to this: dumped and ignored. My father threw me away since I was born, mama often neglected me when she was alive, even though she had to. I should be immune to this. But why does it hurt so much? as if this was the first time I was treated like this.

"I see," I tried to say as calmly as possible to show that his words had no effect at all. Even though my heart wanted to scream and go berserk.

If they cared about us just a little, maybe mama was still alive today. But what a dream I had, they threw me despite the blood relations we share, let alone her.

"That's why I decided to take you in because you're my family no matter what." His cold right thumb wiped my tears which I didn't realize has fallen by themselves.

"I'll never dump you like they did. I'll never leave you like Maria did. I'm willing to take you in with open arms. So, never double-cross me. We're family so we have to help each other, no matter what happens, Okay?" he put his hand on my shoulder.

His subtle words did not calm me at all, my mind was still focused on my father and brothers. For some reason, I still have doubts about him.

"I will always be with you, Alessandra. I will not give you up no matter what happens, that's what's family is for."

What the hell are you thinking, Alessandra? this person was the only one who came and gives you a place to live and was willing to take care of you. Why are you thinking of such nonsense? Did your brother come to take you home? they didn't. Did your father ever come, even just for a minute to offer his condolences? he didn't. You only have Stef now.

Right. I only have this person. All my doubts gradually disappeared, replaced with a sense of relief because finally someone from my blood-related family would accept me.

"Thank you for taking me in, Stef. I owe you a debt of gratitude."


"Wake up."

I feel a pretty hard pat on my shoulder. Slowly, I opened my eyes and groaned. The dawn rays that penetrated the airplane window indicated the day had changed. Yesterday, I took off at noon, now it's already morning. That means more than 20 hours I was on this plane. If it took that long for this flight, then ... where am I now?

I dragged my self following right behind Stef towards the exit. I looked around, there were so many foreigners. My eyes caught the giant flag that was hung on the wall above us when I was on the escalator to the ground floor, which seemed to welcome the arrival of the travelers. My eyes widened, surprised by how far he took me.

Suddenly, he grabbed my left wrist tightly. I winced in pain. He grabbed my wrist, forcing me to follow his half-running pace down the escalator. "Stef, it hurts," I cried. He didn't budge and accelerated his pace even more. His neck didn't stop turning right and left. As if he's running from someone. "Stef—"

"Your pace is too slow, we have to get out of here instantly," he said when we got to the parking lot. He opened the car door and pushed me in. "What exactly is going on?" I asked. He got in and slammed the door, didn't heed my question at all.

"Go, now!" he ordered the driver who sat in front of us. Upon hearing his master's order, he nodded and immediately hit the gas, leaving the airport.

During the trip, he kept looking back, making sure no one was following us. I stroked my wrist which was gripped by him. It was painful. There was a reddish color printed all over my wrist. It'd be blue tomorrow.

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