Chapter 14: To the rescue 🏃🏃🏾‍♂️

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I wake up say a little prayer and clean up my room. For some reason I felt restless like something bad was going to happen, so I just stayed in my room for a while then I stripped out of the clothes I slept in and went into the bathroom to take a bath, when I was done I got out a pair of grey cotton shorts, a navy blue hoodie and a pair of conformable grey socks.

When I was done putting them on I sat on my bed for a while before finally deciding to go downstairs. I walked out replaying what happened yesterday in my head as I hear mum's room door open and a clod shiver ran down my spine "come here" I hear her say as I turn around to see her leaning on the wall a few inches from her room.

"Yes" I say feeling so much anger as I remembered what dad had told me I couldn't even believe she would do that "I said come here" she said through gritted teeth walking towards me "and I said yes" I replied feeling my insides boil, as I feel a sudden pain across my face.

"I don't know where this sudden attitude is coming from but watch it, cause you won't like my response" she said glaring at me as I dropped my hand from my now swollen face and attempted to walk away but she pulled me back by the hair and pushed me hard against the wall and grabbing my cheeks forcefully hurting me, then she pushed me towards the floor and got on top of me and started hitting me not even stopping as I struggled to get out of her hold.

At this point I was praying someone would come and save me, then after a while of continuous hitting I heard the door bell ring as she stood up glared me and walked downstairs, I was really grateful that someone came to the rescue, I struggled to stand but when I did I staggered and hit my elbow on the wall, It felt horrible I went to my room quickly and tried to cater to my new wounds I stared in the mirror at my sore swollen cheeks "I don't think I can take this much longer" I whisper wincing at the sharp pains in my cheeks as I took some painkillers and slept off.

Alan's p.ov
I couldn't help but be bothered about Alana the way she left yesterday it was like she was trying to hide something, I Know very well Kate had something to do with it I should never have left Alana with that crazy mother of hers, only God knows what she's being doing, I just hope she wasn't maltreating Alana cause she didn't look healthy to me.

I got into my car and decided to go check on Alana, as I stopped in front of the house memories started to flood my mind, the times Kate was still a good care free person, I sighed as I got down and took in fresh air "the air is still as fresh as ever" I say quietly as I walked to the door and rang the doorbell at first no one answered, then I heard footsteps and the door opened there she stood as haggered looking as ever her shoulder length hair all over the place and her washed out jeans and plain top "you?" She said as I see hurt flash through her eyes, she also had a part to play in me leaving, she never wanted to listen she started hanging out with reckless women who encouraged her to do all the crazy things she did that weren't what she'd do normally.

"Yes it's me Kate" I reply dryly sighing "what do you want?" She said rolling her eyes "I want to see my daughter" I reply looking her straight in the eye "you have no right to, I'm in custody of her and I don't want you to see her Alan" she said as I roll my eyes typical "I don't remember us having a trial for custody, you just automatically have custody of her because I was out of town" I stated "just go away" she yelled slamming the door "you won't keep my daughter away from me" I yelled finally feed up with her "I know just what to do" I whisper getting into my car and driving off.

Alana's p.o.v
I wake up to the sound of people arguing downstairs, then I get out of bed quickly but as I walked towards my room door I here the front door slam shut "who could that have been?" I whispered, only one person could have gotten her that mad 'dad', I wish he came in to see me, then he'd have seen my injuries.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I hear my phone ring "hello" I say trying to not sound like I was in pain, which I actually was "Lana haven't heard from you in a while, how are you?" She asked " I'm okay" I say sitting on my bed "I know you're not, what's wrong?" Just as always she saw through my facade "she hit you again right?" She asked sighing "I'll speak to you tomorrow and tell you everything on our way to school okay?" I say not really wanting to talk "okay, bye, night night" she replied as I ended the call.

After putting my books back in my bag and other things for school. I went into the bathroom and took a long shower and put on some comfy nightwear, then took some painkillers and driffted into a dreamless sleep.

Hey guys really sorry about the late updates and all, but hope this chapter made up for it

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