Chapter 9: gift shopping and birthday parties 2🎂🍰

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(⬆️ a picture of Bella's gift)

"What?" I asked with so much anger.
"Did you just ask if I was jealous?" I ask glaring at him and twitching, man was I getting angry. "Uh.." he said staring at me like smoke was coming out of my ears.

Zayn's p.o.v
I couldn't give her the reply I wanted cause I needed her help, so I just stared at her like she was crazy "let's just go" I say walking to the car and getting in, as she joins me at the passenger seat and I drive off.

"Here we are" I say as we get out of the car "this is a jewelry store" she said 'like I didn't know that' I thought as I walked towards the store "uhh did you hear anything I just said" she continued not moving from where she was stood by the car "I did and I was going to explain why we were at a jewelry store instead of a boutique" I look back and say in a duh tone as we walked towards the big building, just my type of place "we're here cause my sister doesn't want a dress as a birthday gift, she kept complaining about how many clothes she already had and yet people were still giving her clothes as early birthday I decided to get her something that would melt her heart or something she would love and treasure" I say as we walk past some jewelry looking for the right one.

"This one" I hear red say as I stop and turn around, I walk towards her "this is a golden heart shaped locket, you could give the jeweler a picture of your family and it'll be made into locket size, she'll definitely love it" she says pointing at the locket which shone in all it's golden glory "your a genius red, I'll take it" I say picking up the box and handing it over to the jeweler "okay Mr Westwood, but I need the picture you would like me to put in the locket" the jeweler says as I get out my phone and look for a picture of everyone in my family "I'm sending it to your email" I say sending the picture "okay sir, I've received it, it'll be done by noon tomorrow" he says "okay thanks" I say as we walk out of the building "tomorrow isn't that when your sister's birthday is?" She asked "it is, but the party starts by 2:00pm. So I'll pick her cake and gift up by 12:00" I say opening the car "and your invited" I say entering the car as she got in beside me and stared at me with so much surprise.

Alana's p.o.v
I stared at him not knowing what to say, I had never been invited to a party and more so a high classed one, I mean the Westwood family is one of richest around and trust me that party might be for a soon to be fourteen year old, but trust me the party is going to be high classed "are you joking?" I asked
Staring at him with raised eyebrows "no, and as a matter of fact I got you something for taking out time to help me" he said trying to get something out of his pocket "what's that?" I ask as he gets out a wrist watch like case "just open it" he said rolling his eyes "I helped you out of my own will not so I could get a gift in return" I say looking away "just take it, it's a sign of appreciation, if you weren't with me I would have picked out a horrible gift as always" he says grabbing my hand and putting the case in it "fine" I finally gave in as I open the case to see a golden charm bracelet with a charm already on it "a test tube?" I say chuckling "that's the only thing i could think of since we're lab partners, but you could take it out and add other stuff to it" he suggests "na, I'll live it in and add other charms" I say smiling at him as he drove off, I couldn't believe we got along and he even got me a gift, the thought of the gesture keeps making me smile. Who would have thought such a block head could be so nice .

"I'll come pick you up after picking up the cake and gift, be ready" he said stopping at the usual spot a few blocks from my house. "Pick me up?" I ask "yeah, it's not like you know the way to my house" he replies dryly "oh yeah" I say scratching the back of my neck "bye" he says as I get down "bye" I reply as I walk to my house.

I get home and see that mum is asleep on the couch, first time I've seen her in a while, I walk up to my room quietly and fall lazily on my bed "oh shit" I say remembering I had to make an appointment to see the principal and also remembering I had to work tomorrow "hello Anna, could you come over I'm having a crisis right now" I say "okay I'll be over soon" she says "do not ring the door bell, I repeat do not ring the bell, call me" I say ending the call and seeing what I could do about work "hello Mr Gregson could I work early I have things I need to attend to by noon" I say crossing my fingers and hoping he would agree "okay come in by 8:00, and you can leave by 12:00" he said as I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I mean I couldn't miss the first party I was invited to that didn't have to do with school, so I wasn't going to miss out on it "okay thank you Mr Gregson" I say ending the call as another came through.

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