Chapter 3: Time flies and heartbreaks💔

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(⬆️ picture of Zayn)

Almost a month had gone by, mum hasn't been around much so I've had peace for a while, things were back to normal between Anna and I, and for the past few weeks Cole and I have gotten to know each other quite well, and I have to say I've had a crush on him for a while now, his really cute, nice, funny and always checks up on me, so I couldn't help but like him.

" Hey Lana, ready for class?" Cole asked walking towards me as I closed my locker " yeah" I reply as we walked to biology class together. When we got to class he sat  beside me, it made me feel butterflies in my tummy, " okay class settle down" Mr Jones says walking into class...

Zayn's p.o.v
"Dude do you wanna stab this class?" My best friend Ken asked as we walked into biology class and took our seats "nah I'll stay, besides who's that girl?, I've never noticed her before" I say  looking at the girl who seemed to  be blushing as she walked in with the new guy and they took their sits "that's because she's not popular, her name's Alana, and besides it's so obvious that she has a crush on the new guy" he says and chuckles "now that you mentioned it, it is kinda true" I say noticing how she smiled when the new guy said something to her "this is one girl I bet you can't get" Ken said laughing as I looked at him with raised eyebrows "really?, wanna bet?" I asked in reply "a challenge hun?, Fine we'll talk about it with the guys at lunch" he says smiling, he's always liked it whenever there was a bet. I glance at Alana and her crush one last time before the teacher walked in "okay class settle down" Mr Jones says and the whole class is silent....

Alana's p.o.v
After biology class Cole and I parted ways since we didn't have the same classes during the next few  periods.

The bell went signalling it  was time for lunch "Cole!" I yelled as I walked through the school halls looking for Cole "hey Anna!"I yelled, walking towards Anna's locker were she stood "what's up?" she replied turning to look in my direction "have you seen Cole?" I asked "looking for prince charming hun?" She teased as I looked away trying to hide my burning cheeks and growing smile "I saw him going towards the chemistry lab" she said chuckling "thanks, see you in the cafeteria" I say as I turned around and walked towards the chemistry lab.

"co...." I tried to say as I opened the door but was shocked at what I saw, Cole was stood there with his tongue down some girls throat, I could literally feel my heart shatter, when the girl noticed me she pulled away from Cole as he turned around to see what made her stop "Alana?" He asked more irritated than surprised "I..." I tried to say but was interrupted " I really don't want to Know what you have to say Alana, but I really think you should respect my privacy, you were looking for me so what?, when you saw I was busy you could have just walked away quietly like other decent people would. And why the hell are you even still standing there leave already" he said shattering my heart even more.

"LEAVE!" he added as I stood there frozen, I had felt different types of pain all my life but none like this "won't you leave already, or would you like to watch us make out?" He says as he turned around again and rolled his eyes, I flinched at his words as I turned around and walked away slowly as I tried to breathe. I walked straight to the girls toilet and got into one of the stalls, then closed the toilet seat and sat on it as I took in one Shakey breathe and the tears started to fall, the harder I tried to sob quietly the louder it got "how, could I think someone like him would ever like me?, as useless, as worthless as I am" I say through gritted teeth as I hit my head with my palm continuously.


" Hey" Anna says with raised brows as she stopped to look at me, I call that the 'Anna scan' "what's wrong?" She asked with folded arms noticing something was wrong "nothing" I tried to lie but I couldn't even put on a smile to make it look real "after all these years, you still think I don't know when something's wrong with you?" She replies with raised eyebrows "fine I'll tell you over lunch" I say my voice hoarse as Anna pulls me towards the cafeteria.

"I saw Cole making out with some girl in the chemistry lab" I say leaving out the latter part knowing how Anna could be "what?" She says in shock as she stops eating her spaghetti "that son of a bitch" she whispered under her breath "don't let that bastard get to you okay?, He never deserved you, you'll find someone better than him and he'll realize what he lost" she says                      assuringly "I don't think so cause I have no interest in falling for any other guy anytime soon, I don't think love is something I believe works for people like me anymore" I reply picking at my fries and trying my best to control my tears.

When lunch was over I didn't think I could concentrate in class so I took a sick permit from the nurse so could go home, but I told Anna where I was really going, the park, to clear my head......

Zayn's p.o.v
I noticed the red head left school after lunch so I couldn't kick start my plans today, "remember dude two and a half months" Jake one of my other friends said as we all walked to class, reminding me of the dare "off course, how would I forget four of you owe me five thousand dollars" I reply "that's if you're able to make her fall for you in one month, when everything ends" Ken says as the rest agree with smirks "Ken, Jake, Peter, Cal just get the money ready" I say smirking, I mean we were all from Rich homes so that amount is beyond affordable. "But the count down has to start tomorrow cause she's not around today" I say "okay" they agree as Jake, Peter and Cal go their separate ways and Ken and I head to chemistry class "but she has a best friend right?" I asked as we sat down "yeah" he replies " the chic you were checking out last week hun?" I say grinning at him "what?...I...didn't..I... mean" he stammers as I let out a laugh "Anna right?" I ask "yeah" he replies looking away, he was the only one out of us all who wasn't a play boy, I guess that's why he'smy best friend opposites attracts after all. "Good day students" the chemistry teacher said walking in as he starts to say something that I don't pay attention to as I draw something behind my note "Mr Westwood miss Waterson is your lab partner for the practicals" the chemistry teacher says bringing my attention back to the class "sir, who?" I ask not understanding who's name he was calling " learn to pay more attention in my class Mr Westwood, your lab partner for the practicals is miss Waterson also known as Alana" he says glaring at me "yes sir, thanks" I say smiling at him as he carries on blabbing "bullseye" I whisper to myself smirking.

Alana's p.o.v
I spent a lot of time in the park but after sometime I headed home.

As I got to the front door I heard laughter which meant mum had company, so I decided to go in through the back door, I sneaked upstairs and into my room "I knew you'd sneak in" I heard a voice say as I almost had a heart attack and turned around to see Anna as I put a hand my chest to slow down my breathing "how on Earth did you get in?" I asked as she shrugged " I just told your mum I wanted to sleep over and threw in some puppy dog eyes" she replied laughing "that's a first" I whisper under my breath as I sat down beside her on the bed "hope you were able to clear your head at the park, cause we're only going to have fun this sleep over, no sad stuff" she said smiling, as I smiled back, trying hard not to think of Cole.

I can already guess what you guys are thinking Cole is a douchebag, and I completely agree😅, and do you think Alana was to Soon to give up on love?, do you think there's someone for her?, tell me in the comment section and don't forget to vote. Thanks 😊 

Hope you guys enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing😚

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