Prisoner In London (One Direction FanFic)

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Dear Kidnapper. Please let me go.


Its horrible,

Nobody wants it.

Pain is the least of my problems.

Being kidnapped for more than 6 years is horrible.

Nobody wants it. I got it.

My name is Alyssa-Jaqueline Berner or so I think,

Ive been trapped in a basement for my whole life,

I am now nineteen, I was captured at the young age of 13.

I had a full life ahead of me, everything was wonderful.

I had straight A's , Never done drugs, never drank, well maybe once or twice.

I had a beautiful boyfriend. I loved him soo very much.

Raped, Beaten, Abused, Burned. Were the least painful things that Jack did,

Jack, disgusting, rapist and murderer.

He killed my family, and kept me for his own personal game.

A Prisoner In London.

My only friend: A Bed.

My only food: Bread.

My only way of easing pain: Cutting my wrists,

No Escape.

Untill Now.....

Most stories start with someone waking up. Beautiful sunlight pouring over their faces, birds chirping. But no, This story starts with me, stuck in a cold, dark, small and escapeless basement. The basement of no other than Jack Nickles, a very good friend of my parents, until he killed them and kidnapped me six years ago.

I never thought of escape. Never Ever. Until now. Today is my nineteenth birthday, Christmas.. Jack had his family over, it was about noon. I wasnt supposed to make any noise or jack would Hurt me. I listened. But not for long. It took all my strenght to break open the wooden door, but when i did. i was glad.

They were all sitting at the table and Jack was the first one up. I ran. Ran out the front door, Ran into the cold london streets, Away from him. i was finally out. I cheered for joy, and kept running. But he was following . I let out a scream of terror, but kept running. My lungs desperately needed air, Fuck My lungs. i kept running. I turned on a street, only to find a huge mansion, GREAT!!

I ran inside, Nobody Was Home. I laughed to myself. "i'm finally out" i said, exhausted.

My muscles protested. I could barely move anymore, so I collapsed on the floor.

* HAH i am done ;w; my first chapter of my first fanfic :DDDDDD Please enjoy c; <333 VOMMENT! Free cookies to Comments ;w; && THIS IS THE FIRST STORY I WILL ACTUALLY UPDATE ON! i swear it on my life. Que heavenly lights, ANYWAYS. PLS READ MY NARWHALS<3 *

Prisoner In London (One Direction FanFic) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now