Chapter 4

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hii guys. This chapter is reaaaally short ;/ but just enjoy pleaaasee


*Niall's POV* (

"We lost her" the doctor said. My whole world came crashing down on me that instant.

I broke out into painful sobs, Harry joining me we held each other tight.

We heard a loud familiar groan and our eyes snapped to the door, Jackie was limping towards us. Her green?! Green hair flowing down to her hips.

Oh my god.

She's alive.

Harry got up and ran to her, giving her a huge hug, Zayn gave her a hug, So did Liam and Louis, now was my turn.

I enveloped her in a bone crushing hug, tears falling from my eyes onto her medical gown.

"Oh..ohmy oh my god your alive!" The doctor said, eyes wide. "We need to conduct tests. We need to take blood this is a mirac-" Harry cut him off "No." Harry took her hand and walked away with her, her small frame was leaning against his.

She is really beautiful. Oh my gosh. I stared at the floor but suddenly heard running footsteps. Jackie came over to me and took my face in her hands.

Her lips came crashing into mine.

A small but very slow kiss..

It was the best thing ever.

Her lips were like, soft pillows against mine, her heavenly taste flowing through me.

She backed away,

I felt a chunk rip out of me. Don't leave..

She waved goodbye and ran off with Harry, probably home to the flat. Zayn patted my back and whistled "Daaamn!" He made me laugh abit. But all I could think about was her...

*Jackie's POV* (

The car ride home was silent, just the casual cough, sneeze and car horn. I felt the car stop, we were already home? I hopped out my door and Harry shut it. He was still inside, it was cold and snowing.




I stood there my mouth agape. How could he. I sat down and started to cry. How could he... I took out my phone, 10 new texts- Harry ?




Oh my god. That was some look alike. I gasped. Jack. I pressed the call button and let it ring.

"Harry here.." He sounded sad.

"HARRY IT'S Jackie!"

"JACKIE" he screamed into the phone

"HELP IM ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD IM SOO COLD. And I think jack is close" I whispered

I heard him drop the phone.


He hung up.

I started to run, run as fast as the day I ran away. I kept running faster and faster. A car was in sight. Harry. I started to jump and wave me arms, he saw me.

I felt an arm wrap around mine "Hey.." Jack whispered. I felt like my whole life was over. Harry sprinted towards me. "LET HER THE FUCK GO." He yelled "LET GO OF MY SISTER." He yelled even louder.

Jack started pulling me away. I let out a scream.

*Louis's POV*

I heard a scream, a loud one. I hopped out of Harry's car and saw a man pulling Jackie. My Jackie. Away. My carrot princess. I took out my gun "LET MY PRINCESS GO JACK" my voice boomed. He whispered something into Jackie's ear before running off.

Harry ran over to her and took her into a huge hug. Her fragile body shivering. I placed my gun back in the car and ran over, taking her into my own hug. I grabbed her bridal style and pulled her close for warmth.

Her green hair was cascading over my arm and nearly to my knee. She was really pretty..

I climbed back into the back seat, still holding her, and I fell asleep. With her.

In my arms..




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