Chapter 27

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Omfg. 6,500 o.e Kill me Pl0xx


*Reese's POV*

I hit my fist against the bathroom door, "DAMNIT ZACH" I couldn't hear his thoughts anymore.

Everyone came into the room and looked at me, "I can't hear his thoughts and he's not coming out." I said, Jackie walked in front of everyone, "stand back" she said, before she flicked her hands and shattered the door.

Zach was lying on the floor, blood pouring out of his arm, he was almost dead. I picked him up, "Call the ambulance!" I told Liam. He nodded and ran for the phone.

I laid him down on my bed, not caring if he stained my sheets with blood. Paramedics rushed in, they cleaned and bandages his wounds tightly. One of them have him an air mask and attached an IV with blood to his arm.

"He'll come back In about thirty minutes, but you gotta watch him ok?" The paramedic said to Liam and Danielle.

Poor Zach..

*Two Weeks after incident, Zacharie started school. Today's his first day... At the new school*

*Zacharie's POV*

My alarm woke me up at 7 sharp, I closed it and stretched out my arms. Oh fucking god I'm exhausted.

I took off my shirt and sweats and put on a black and white striped hoodie and some black skinny jeans. I fixed my bandages on my arm and grabbed my phone.

I ran out my door and zoomed down the stairs to the kitchen. Mum and Dad were both there, dad was writing a new song or something, mum was cooking me breakfast. Yay!

I sat down and she slid me a bowl with chocolate chip pancakes and a muffin. I gobbled down the pancakes and slowly started eating the muffin.

Oh god I love mom's cooking. I heard the horn of Reese's car.

"Bye mum-" I kissed her cheek "Bye dad," I kissed his and ran to the entrance, I slipped on some black TOMS and slumped my messenger bag over my shoulder.

I ran out the door and zoomed into his car. "Hey sweetheart" he said when I hopped in the car. I kissed his cheek. He giggled a little and drove away.

We were singing along to the radio until my school came into sight. Oh god I don't wanna go.

Reese pulled up to the front of the school, there was a huge staircase and flat in the middle was a giant crown statue. Engraved in the bottom was 'Welcome to King's Performing arts school.'

I hopped out the door and soo did Reese. He came over and took my hand. I sighed. He walked me to the front door and I looked at him.

"Bye Reesy!" I squealed,

"Buhbyeee Zachypoo!" He squealed back. I jumped into his arms and he spun me, he set me down and we just stood there, hugging for a minute.

"I'm gonna miss you." I said.

"Your gonna see me later tho." He mumbled into my hair.

"I know but later is too long..." I pulled away when the bell rang. He wave goodbye and I ran inside. I went to the secretary and have her my name. She nodded and handed me my schedule and locker number

'Locker 1043'

I walked around and finally found it, I twisted the code into the knob and slid the door open. I stuffed my stuff inside and checked my first class.



*Jackie's POV*

I walked around the house not sure what to do. I gasped. Louis wasn't home.. Hehehe.

I trailed my hands over my huge tummy. I finally got an image.


EEEEK!!! No way No way No WAAAY!

I can't wait!


Kso. Sorry. This is a short chapter. I have MAJOR. Writers block. Uhm.

Contest c;

Character submissions for Zacharie's Boyfriend c;?

Yes this shall be a gay relationship ;-;


Age: (I enjoy Older forbidden relationships xD)


How you wanna meet Zach:



Heehe . Please c:

-Love Zacharie~

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