"There you go, I just tore you ulnar collateral ligament. That heals like a bitch. And this," I mumble, letting go of his thumb and tapping the knuckle right under his fingernail. "This is called a phalangeal joint. If I press any harder on this, it will shatter and you will be in excruciating pain," I continue. I smirk over my shoulder at Alex who looked seriously confused. "What? James is a doctor." I shrug.

I let go of his hand and push him to the floor. Making my way back to Alex who had done the same with the guy he had in a head lock. Alex slings his arm around my shoulders and we stalk out of the bar. I let out a chuckle as we stumble down the street. It was only now that I was out of the bar that I began to feel the effects of the alcohol. If Alex wasn't supporting me right now, I'm not sure that I would be able to walk. We make it to the car and Alex opens my door for me, helping me inside. He gets in and starts the car, pulling the box out of his jacket. He chucks it into my lap and I open it. The gun really was beautiful, and heavy too. I weigh it in my palm and jokingly point it at Alex. He smirks. 

He jerks the car out of the parking space and speeds down the street. By now it was completely dark outside. "So now where are we going?" I ask him, pulling the gun away. "Motel," he replies, keeping his eyes on the road.

We drive in silence until Alex pulls into a nice-looking motel. Thank goodness, I have been staying in some pretty grungy motels lately. I stumble out of the car, leaving my bags inside and Alex meets me at the front of the car. We walk inside and I plop down on a couch while Alex talks to the man at the desk. He comes back with a key and a small pamphlet. 

He slips his arm around my waist and pulls me down the hall, up two flights of stairs and into a cute room. The room was nice, there was both a bathroom, a lounge area, one bedroom and a kitchen. It even had a washing machine. He drops me down on the couch and opens the pamphlet. He smirks and walks across the room to the desk where a phone sat. He dialed a few numbers. "Yeah, hey, can I please get a bottle of Jack to room 106?" He asks to the person on the other line. He hangs up the phone and takes a seat next to me on the couch. "Did that guy really try to drug me?" I ask slowly, tilting my head to look at him.

Wow, face looked hot in this lighting. Well... It looked hot in any lighting if we are being realistic, but... 

Alex nods, a scowl forming on his face. "But you put him in his place," he murmurs, grinning down at me. I chuckle. "I did," I agree. A knock on the door snatches our attention. Alex gets up and opens it. "Alright, thank you," he says to whoever was on the other side. He turns around and had a bottle in his hand. He goes to the cupboard and takes two glasses out, filling them with whiskey. He grabs the remote on his way back to the couch and switches on the hue TV across the room. He passes me a drink and takes a seat next to me. I take a small sip.

Wow that shit is strong. 


Alex downs the last of the bottle and drops it back onto the bench. I am surprised we haven't had a noise complaint yet. Alex had turned on the music channel on TV and had the volume up full. Somehow, I had stripped off my clothes and wore only my underwear and Alex's shirt. Alex only wore grey shorts. We were dancing around the motel room, vibing, and laughing about things that literally nobody would find funny. We were both off our heads.

It was around twelve o'clock now and we were about to put on a movie on the bedroom TV. Alex was busy sorting the movie out, leaving me to figure out how to turn the music off on this TV. After finally managing to turn it off, I scoop all the snacks we ordered from room service up in my arms and kick open the bedroom door, dumping them in the center of the bed. We had order so many snacks. There were two bags of chips, a bag of popcorn, a bottle of juice, several different candies, a pottle of ice cream and some crackers.

Alex jumps onto the bed next to me and begins sifting through channels. He stops at 'The conjuring'.

"For fucks sake Alex, you know I hate horror movies!" I whine. I recall a serious and aggressive discussion we had about Alex watching horror movies in our room with his boys. I absolutely hated them. "Just this once, I promise it isn't even that scary." I nod my head, trusting him, and agree to watch it.

I swear I will never trust him again. This movie was fucking terrifying. We only got halfway through the movie before we finished all the food, excluding one bag of candy and the ice cream which we promised to save for tomorrow. Alex had his arm tossed lazily over my shoulders and our legs were currently entwined. He was drawing his signature patters on the bare skin of my arm. The movie finally ends and I groan, rolling over and burying my face into the pillow. Alex gets up, turns off all the lights and the TV and slides back into bed beside me. The curtain was still open, letting the moon light shine over us.

We lay there silently, his arms around me. "Are you tired?" He asks after a while. I shake my head. "Not really," I reply. It was true, my mind was whirling. He simply hums in response. We sit there in silence for a little while, not moving. After a while, a yawn escapes my lips. I bury my face further into my pillow and close my eyes.

I fell asleep to Alex rubbing soothing circles on my shoulder.

. . .

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