Author's Personal letter

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Hey guys!!!
Thanks for halting here to read this story.
This is my first writing. Just read down the following points before you proceed further.

English is not my first language, so there will be mistakes while you read.

I'm editing the book side by side whilst I'm giving updates.

• This story does have cliché stuff because my life without cliché is impossible.

Rude, meanie comments are not allowed, 'cause it demotivates the author.

• If you don't like my story, you're free to remove this book from your library (I'm requesting you this in polite style), no offense guys.

• If you find any mistakes, you're free to notify me about it which will help me to edit.

• I request my silent readers to vote because a single vote from you guys means a lot to the author.

Plagiarism is an offense. This is my story, so please don't copy my work. Because an author spends his/ her time to give the best to their readers who mean a lot to them.

• My book will have both protagonists' POV and the writer's view.

• This book will surely have some lovey-dovey things since it's the only thing that's currently missing from my life. So I request you to read this as a 'Story'.

• The story and characters here are totally fictional ones.

Positive feedbacks are welcomed.

• Last but not the least, if you liked the story, make sure you hit the star icon, comment, and share this story with your fellow mates. I'll be thankful for that.

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Hope you'll enjoy the story!!!
Happy reading, readers!!

With loads of love,

His Hush Hush GirlWhere stories live. Discover now