Chapter 10

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Viren Khanna

Later Dadu woke me up, we went to the park to catch up some morning exercise and again Dadu was fussing like a child. Daksh messaged me that he reached Delhi safely. After showering, I dressed in a seal color checked two-piece suit with a cream-colored shirt. I wore my formal shoes and headed downstairs.

"Good morning Bhai" Preeti greeted me. I greeted back in response.

"You got dressed up so early. It's just 8.00" Preeti asked me. 

"Well I have an interview to conduct so I'll be going early. " I replied to her, and she nodded her head in approval.

"Okay, bhai I'll get going. Today we have a guest lecture in the morning. I don't wanna be late for that. Bye..I'll sees you in the evening. ", I kissed her forehead and she headed out.

"Bhai??", I heard her call me.


"Start hunting for my bhabhi from today" she yelled.

"Okay" I replied absentmindedly. After gathering what she said, I groaned out loud, and she laughed out loud and went. 

'They teased me to death yesterday with my ' hush-hush' girl '

' Again ' my hush-hush girl ' ' said my mind.

"Just shut up bruh", My heart retorted back. And there you go they started their fight. Someone flicked their finger in front of me and brought me out from my la-la-land.

'Not him'. I facepalmed.

"Dreaming about someone??" asked Dadu in a teasing manner. 

"Leave that poor boy alone, will you??." dadi questioned him taking my side. 

"Hey you old woman, why are you always supporting your grandson, support your husband sometimes too," said Dadu.

"Well I'll only support the sensible one and not some idiotic old man" dadi responded back and I burst out laughing. I saw Dadu sulking like a kid. 

"Always smile and laugh like this Veer." Dadi cupped my face and kissed my forehead. Even Dadu was nodding his head. 

"Till you guys are there with me I'll smile and laugh like this" saying I hugged her. And I found that dadu engulfed us in a bear hug. 

"If Preeti and Daksh gotta know about this they'll create ruckus", chuckling I removed myself from the hug. We sat together and had our breakfast. 

"I'm coming with you to the office," dadu said.

'Not again'

"No, you're not" I replied back.





"What happened. Why are you guys fighting ??" Dadi questioned us.

"Dadi he says he'll come with me to office, but if he comes there, he won't allow me to do any work. Also, he'll keep disturbing me. Even Daksh is not here to handle him. You please handle him for this week alone", I asked her showing my best puppy eyes. 

"Okay, Veer. I'll handle this old man. You go do your work. Anyways I have some work for him so he'll stay in the house till Daksh returns" replied Dadi. 

" What??? That's not fair!!! How dare you old woman???" Said Dadu angrily, but it was so funny that I laughed out loud.

"What's so funny??" asked Dadu.

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