[29] Luna Lovegood

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Luna when you stand up for yourself during Lunch after being called a Mudblood

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Luna when you stand up for yourself during Lunch after being called a Mudblood

"Y/N your just a waste of space Hogwarts doesn't need another filthy mudblood like yourself"

"You know what Malfoy Hogwarts doesn't need an ass hat like yourself, all you do is complain or make fun of someone and honestly I'm sick of it, "You said to Draco, you turned around and began to walk off, you then turned back around  to Draco
"Also why do you walk around with two bodyguards with peas as brains 24/7, what are you, scared that some filthy "mudblood" is going to attack you?
Or are you trying to make your weak little self seem more manly?"

Draco stayed silent, he honestly didn't know how to reply to your comment. You turned around and walked over to the Ravenclaw table and spot Luna looking at you in admiration.

"I feel kind badass now," You say to Luna
You sat down next to luna and started to grab an apple of the table.

"As you should, I mean at this point I'm surprised yours not in Gryffindor. The nerve your must have to talk to Draco like that, honestly, I'm not even sure a Gryffindor has that much"Luna said

You both looked at each other and laughed

A/N Apologies to the Draco stans

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