Chapter 67- Breaking Down and Out

Start from the beginning

Katsuki knew he needed to be the one to fight. Only his quirk was strong enough for this fight.

"Icyhot take her-" Before Katsuki could pass you off to Todoroki, the villain grabbed the latter by the shirt and flung him down the hall. Shoto just was barely able to stop himself from breaking his back on the concrete wall, but several more slabs fell from the ceiling after a particularly violent quake. Shoto was completely separated from you and Katsuki...and the villain was able to corner the two of you.

"I'M CUT OFF! I CAN'T REACH YOU!" Shoto yelled out to Katsuki as the panic shot through his heart like a bullet. How was he supposed to keep the two of you safe if he wasn't there? How was Katsuki going to fight that villain alone while protecting you and in close quarters? Not to mention there was no sign of Hawks anywhere for him to call.

"I GOT THIS! GET OUT OF HERE ICYHOT!" Shoto gritted his teeth and reluctantly followed Katsuki's orders, hoping to hell and back he wouldn't be regretting that decision later.

Katsuki gave you a look of concern as Shoto fled to meet up with Shinso, knowing that he had to get rid of this villain quickly to rescue the two of you. There was no room for error, no place to make any mistakes. This time it was your life on the line. 

"(y/n)...I gotta put you down for a minute. Will you be okay?" He asked you to hide his unease. You felt like every bone in your body had melted into gelatin, but you knew that you were holding Katsuki back by having him hold you. Before he even had the chance to place you down on his own accord, the villain charged him and caught him off guard. A quick swipe of his arms knocked both you and Katsuki into the wall, cries of pain matching each other. You coughed profusely as concrete residue, dust, and the sheer impact of the hit rocked your already body. 

"Y-You stupid fucker," Katsuki grunted towards the man whose body was looking less and less human as each moment passed. It was like he was continuously growing, and if he wasn't put down soon then perhaps he would even resist Katsuki's stronger attacks. Said explosion hero first rubbed the sore spot on your back and checked your head quickly to see if you were seriously hurt, but luckily it wasn't as bad as compared to the other injuries you've been through.  Katsuki was absolutely livid between the shit that the villain said and the fact he had hurt you. 

"I'm gonna have so much fun killing you." The voice of the villain grated you to your core and you ached with everything in you that you had the power to stand back up on your own...the strength to kill this guy before he could even look at your man. 

But you couldn't. This time you were the one being saved...this time you had to have faith that Katsuki truly would be the number one hero that could save you and anyone else that needed him. You did believe in him and his ability, but you were also terrified of anything happening to him. All you have witnessed in the past several weeks was a level of cruelty most people would never dream of existing...and to know that your boyfriend was the only one standing between you and hell itself was something that agonized you deep down inside.

"Good fucking luck. You made a mistake pissing me off. I'm about to show you why I chose the name Ground Zero," Katsuki threatened with a vicious smile curving on his lips. Various popping noises from his hands signaled he was fired up and ready...and before you knew it he was launching himself towards the villain. Like you would, he used speed to confuse his opponent and leave him spinning, looking for Katsuki. Katsuki then kept blasting him with explosions, knocking the villain off his feet until he was stumbling. The porcupine villain readied his long needle quills all over his arms and back, the threads growing quickly in a manner that looked excrutiating. 

Suddenly the villain shot the needles point blank at Katsuki where he was barely able to move or dodge. With wide eyes, you watched with a sense of trepidation in your chest as Katsuki was about to face the brunt of the needles...and instinctually your desire to protect outweighed any pain or weakness in your body.

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