The robot uses the crane to swings the RV in circles and the others start firing at it.

2 figures fly out of the RV in jet packs that appear to be powered by... bubbles?

"It's Ed and Edna! Don't you dare hurt them!"

"They're not of any concern to me."

The crane finally launches the trailer and it flips upside down, then the magnetism releases and it goes flying through the air.

The ninja use their Spinjitzu to help them out. Well, everyone except for Zane.

I saw hm trying to use Spinjitzu, but for whatever reason, it didn't work. I briefly see Pixal pull him back inside and they brace for the rough landing, which sends them flying out the open door.

The others go to help Zane and Pixal, fighting robots along the way. However, Sensei Wu traps Jay and Cole in the trash compressor.

"They're gonna be squashed!" I was full on panicking in my head.

Kai runs over to stop the machine, but is met with Sensei. And Sensei being well... Sensei! Kai didn't stand a chance.

And I was right because no sooner than that thought finished in my head, he threw Kai clear across the junkyard.

Now Nya is the one to run over to the garbage compressor. She appears to be trying to override the system, but it wasn't working. So she breaks into the panel and starts looking through the wires. Then I notice her cutting a blue one and that shuts the whole machine down.

Meanwhile, Zane is standing in front of Pixal, using the Techno Blade to block bullets from the nindroids. But that's when one the bullets hits him and sends him flying away from Pixal. The crane gets turned on again and the magnets pull Zane up and he's trapped upside down, dangling by his feet.

The crane moves Zane to the machine that destroys junk, with enormous knives that can break down metals. And he was slowly being lowered down.

Pixal was surrounded by more nindroids being powered up around her, but manages to get away, and grab Zane in mid air, right above the knives. They both land on the other side of the machine, but are fine.

I actually let out a breath of relief inside my head.

The nindroids surround them, but that's when Zane and Pixal hook arms and do Spinjitzu together, in the same ice tornado.

"I have no idea why Zane couldn't do Spinjitzu by himself and I have no idea why he can do it with Pixal, but that was super cool!"

Darkness rolls her eyes at me. I feel like I make her do that a lot!

So that just leaves Kai on the other side of the junkyard, still trying and failing, to fight Sensei Wu.

He was succeeding in dodges his attacks, but that wasn't doing much in the grand scheme of things.

Wu manages to disarm Kai of his Techno Blade, leaving him weaponless, but that's when the others finally get to him. Minus Zane and Pixal.

Now it was 4 versus 1... and Sensei was still the one winning.

They have it all their best shot, but nothing was effective until Zane using the same electric crane, magnetizing Wu.

He didn't stay like that for long though because Pythor, randomly wearing a white cloak, finally got off the jet and shoots the rope pulley system holding the magnet, cutting off the power and releasing Sensei.

Sensei goes back in to fight some more, but Pythor stops him, "enough, Darkness will be pleased." We hear his voice through the intercom he's wearing.

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