Chapter 91

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In the afternoon

Linket gets up putting a robe on wondering were Michael is while she gose to the kitchen seen him there. With his knife about to stab her phone out of jealousy and rage while she says. What the hell are you doing. She rush over grabbing her phone while he snatch it off her and opens it poniting at the messages as linket says. Oh you know what he is like. He grabs her by the throat pinning her to a wall while he mouths to her lifting up his mask. "Who is he tell me NOW!" Linket saw his jealously while she says. it's Freddy Krueger he was making sure I'm alright from not been in Haddonfield for 5 years. Michael's eyes widen as he then holds her close and starts kissing her forehead alot as it was his way of apologizing While linket says. It's ok Michael I'm fine. he keeps her close while she then asks. Are you hungry. He nodes as he fixed up his mask while he lets her go while she gose to the fridge and cupboards. While putting her phone in her pocket of her robes. As he watches her wondering what she will make While she grabs the bread and cheese to make grilled cheese sandwiches as Michael looms over watching like a hard.

15 minutes later

Linket had finished making the grilled cheese sandwiches and gave one to Michael. While he lifts his mask up and starts eating while she eats her and then her phone starts ringing as she looks at it seen its her boss. While she picks up hearing that's she been called in early as she agrees and hangs up. As she then finished her grilled cheese sandwich while she walks to the bedroom getting changed as Michael follows and watches wondering what's going on while she says to him. I've got to go to work. I was supposed to work tonight but now my boss called me in. So I'm working a double shift I'll be back soon. Michael Huff's pouting while she finished getting changed into her work close. As she then gose to Michael and hugs him warping her hands around his waist as she says. If I get a break I'll come back and check on you. He nodes and cubs her face and puts the lips of his mask to her forehead to make it like he is kissing her forehead. While he lets her go and she left going to work.

Linket pov

While I left locking the door so no one can get in. I left my apartment building making my way to the 5 star restaurant were I work as a chef's hand. so when I get to the restaurant I puts my apron and chef hat on and gose to work.

Michael pov

I walks around the house bored after linket left so I decided to try and make a paper mashay to make some masks with. So I looks around for the stuff I needed but I can't find them so I went and sat on the couch sighing bored. Then I decided to watch tv but everything on there was boring so I turn it off and then lays on the ground bored thinking of what to do Into he secretly left to kill a few pepole to get rid of his boredness.

Near midnight

Linket pov

I was on my way home feeling a bit bad for not finishing earlier. when I got back to my apartment I looks around for Michael and calls out. Michael are you here. I continues looking around not seen him anywhere. into I turns around seen him stumbling in like he is drunk. While he then fell to his knees as I heard his breathing sounds Heavy. Then I kneel down in front of him and warps my arms around him making him flinch a bit. while seen a tranquilizer dart in his back while I then whispers to him knowing he won't respond. Who did this to you he starts leaning into me like he is about to pass out while I take the dart out then I help him up. Then take him to the couch knowing he'll pass out soon. When I get him to the couch I make him lay there while I take his mask off and puts it on the coffee table while I decided to keep an eye on him while he sleeps. I didn't have work tomorrow so I can spare a night of sleep to keep a close eye on Michael.

A few hours later

No one pov

It was early morning and Michael is still sleeping from the tranquilizer dart. so for some reason linket sniffs it picking up the sent of Haddonfield sanitarium doctors. which makes her growls lightly so she kisses Michael on the forehead lovingly and protectively. As she then turns into a wolf and jumps out the open window to track down who tranquilizer Michael.

 As she then turns into a wolf and jumps out the open window to track down who tranquilizer Michael

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(Linket wolf form she can still walk and run on her back legs)

A few hours later

Linket had follow the sent to a middle of the woods as she looks around sniffing the air. into she smelt something behind her making her turning around yelping seen Freddy as she says in wolf form sounding demonic. Don' Freddy scoffs and then says. You looking for the bitch who tranquilizered Jason and Michael linket raise a eyebrow and says Jason......was.....tranquilizered Freddy nodes and says Michael was on a murder spree and Jason was hunting for food linket nodes understanding while linket says.' Freddy nodes and says. I did here off a nephew maybe he going to finish Loomis work but it doesn't explain why he would be after Jason linket nodes agreeing while Freddy says come I have something to show you linket raise a eyebrow and then follows him wondering were there going

A few minutes later

Freddy and Linket get to a beautiful waterfall were Freddy shouts for lea. Lea open up its me with linket. the waters that are falling open while Freddy picks up linket and walks across the Lilly pads to the entrance. As when Freddy gets to the entrance he sets linket down while she follows him in the entrance. Were they get to a cave looking like a house were lea is with Jason passed out on the couch and Ghostface and a pink hair women. as Ghostface runs and hugs linket as wolf tightly while she turns human and says. I missed you as well Ghostface but not so tight. He nodes letting go off linket while lea had secretly teleported Michael to another couch with his mask and knife on his chest. Then linket walks to him to stay with him while Freddy and lea watches them while Ghostface went back to watching Jason.

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